4-All the Adjectives

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"Tyyyler, buddy! Hey! What's up man?" A wasted Brendon laughed, leaving on his best friend to hold himself up.

"Nothing, Bren. Just trying to keep your ass out of trouble."

"Lisssten... I need a favor."

"What kind of favor?"

"My otherrr friend Joshhh needs a ride h-home," he hicupped, a laugh following afterward.

"Sure, Bren. Where is he?"

Brendon pointed at a man laying face down on the floor. He had blonde hair and had an empty beer bottle in one hand. Tyler chuckled.

"You'll take care of yourself while I'm gone?"

"Course I will!"

"Okay then I'll do it."

Tyler approached Josh, thinking he was probably asleep. He crouched down and gently shook Josh's arm, which had a colorful tattoo covering it. Josh groaned, leaving his eyes shut.

"Josh, I'm Tyler. I'm gonna take you home. Can you get up?"


Tyler grabbed his arm anyway. He used all his strength to help get Josh to his feet. Josh couldn't seem to stand still since he was stumbling left and right. Tyler put Josh's arm around his shoulders, holding him up as they slowly made their way out to Tyler's car.

"Thankssss Tiger, you're so n-nice."

"Not Tiger, Tyler."


"Nothing," Tyler chuckled, buckling Josh into the passenger seat.

Tyler realized he didn't know where Josh lived, and Josh probably didn't remember either.

"Can you give me directions to your house?"


"Never mind, want to have a sleepover at my house?"

"Yeah!" Josh grinned excitedly, but it quickly turned into a frown. "It's so hot in here... I don't feel good..."

Josh's shirt came off, and Tyler's jaw dropped. Josh opened the car door and leaned out, throwing up all over the pavement. Tyler was glad he hadn't started driving yet.

"Ugghhhh," Josh groaned, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He shut the door and leaned his head back against the headrest.

"If you have to throw up again, just tell me and I'll pull over."

Tyler started the drive to his house. Josh was groaning the entire time, wiggling in his seat as if he couldn't get comfortable. His pants came off.

"J-Josh what're you doing?" Tyler's voice cracked.

"I'm hoooot!" Josh yelled, getting ready to take his boxers off next.

"Don't get naked in my car!"

"But I'm hoooot!"

Tyler turned on the air conditioning even though it was already cold outside. He snuck little glances at Josh while driving. How could he not? The hottest boy he'd ever seen was half naked in his front seat. Tyler noticed an uncomfortable tightness in the front of his jeans. He let out a whine. Screw Josh for getting undressed in front of him. Screw Brendon for asking Tyler to take him home.

"Hold on, we're here."

Tyler took a sharp turn into his bumpy driveway, making Josh feel nauseous again.

"Gotta puke!"

Tyler quickly stopped the car and Josh got out. He threw up on Tyler's driveway, muttering some kind of apology.

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