23-I Kissed A Boy

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Josh is definitely straight, he's never even questioned his sexuality during his 18 years of life. He's got a gorgeous girlfriend, Debby, who he's been with for a little over a year now. She's amazing, she even let him attend the party he's currently at.

See, they're graduating high school in just a few days and Josh really wanted to celebrate. Debby, however, is quite a homebody and said it was fine for Josh to go without her.

Here he is now, drink in hand, chatting with his best friend. Brendon is, to put it lightly, extremely gay. All he ever talks about is boys, boys, boys. Josh doesn't mind at all, it's fun to hear all the gossip Brendon finds out about people.

"You seen Zack lately? He is one fine piece of ass Josh, I swear. I would let him obliterate me."

"Ew!" Josh smacks his friends arm, nose scrunching in disgust. "I don't wanna hear that, man."

"Oh, but I think you do. How big do you think he is?"

"Jesus Brendon, I don't know," Josh groans, suddenly finding the beer in his hand very interesting.

"Did you know he has an older brother? Tyler, he's in college. I heard he's fucking gorgeous," Brendon gushes, getting a dreamy look in his eyes. "Now that is the kind of guy I would like to fuck."

"Jesus!" Josh rolls his eyes. "I don't care about you fucking or being fucked by the Joseph's, dude."

"Oh my fucking god Josh, look. That's him! That's Tyler Joseph. Oh my god, just look at him. He's beautitul." Josh can't resist, he has to see the guy Brendon is swooning over...

And oh god, Tyler really catches him off guard. He's small for a college kid, a good five inches shorter than all of the people around him. Despite this, Josh can see his beaming smile and hear his ecstatic laugh. Josh can see the innocence radiating off of him and feels his own face grow hot.

"Absolutely fucking beautiful," Brendon murmurs, squeezing Josh's bicep. "Don't you think?"

"He's attractive in the straightest way possible. I'm not gay, dude... I'm going to go talk to him."

"Oooh Joshy's getting brave," Brendon teases, earning a glare from the lavender-haired boy.

"I don't like him, moron. I'll catch up with you later."

"Have fun. If he doesn't want you, tell him you have this hot friend that would sell his soul to be with him."

"Yeah, I'll be sure to tell him," Josh chuckles, shaking his head as he hesitantly marches his way over to the brunette.

"Hi," he interrupts whatever conversation he's having.

"Uh, hi," Tyler smiles, soft voice getting Josh all flustered. He sounds as innocent as he looks... And he's in college? "Who are you?"

"Josh. I'm Josh. I just, uh... Well I just had to come introduce myself to you because..." Why, exactly? "You... Caught my attention."

Tyler giggles, giggles, and turns to the guy he's talking to. "Jesse, I'll catch up with you later, okay?"

The boy, Jesse, nods and kisses Tyler's cheek before running off somewhere else. Josh's smile falters for just a second, observing the interaction quietly.

"You guys are cute," he says, after a moment of silence.

"Oh my gosh!" Tyler blushes, holding his cup up to his lips. "Jesse is my best friend! We love each other, but not like that..."

"Oh, cool. What are you drinking?" Josh asks, curiously observing the yellowish liquid in the solo cup.

"It's, um, apple juice," he smiles, sheepishly, sipping out of his cup. "I don't drink."

Josh swirls the beer in his cup for a second before suddenly downing it all, carelessly tossing it at the garbage can and missing. Tyler ignores it, he watches Josh with that stupid smile that is driving the high-school boy crazy.

"God," Josh whispers, not bothering to hide the fact that he is totally checking Tyler out. He's wearing a pink t-shirt and basketball shorts paired with mismatched socks. His hair is fluffed up in all different directions and his tiny hands encase the cup and Josh just can't stop fucking staring at this ethereal being.

"What?" Tyler giggles, shyly hiding his face behind his cup. His tongue pokes past his crooked teeth as small dimples indent his cheeks. Josh is speechless; what is this boy doing to him?

"Um.. I just..." he starts, slowly, brain and alcohol jumbling all of his thoughts together. "Can I see your room?"

Real smooth, Josh.

"Oh, sure! Follow me," Tyler says, wrapping his fingers around Josh's and pulling him upstairs. The latter's stomach is doing weird flips. He's not sure what to make of it. "Here we are."

A whiteboard on the door reads TYLER with tons of hearts and smiley faces everywhere. Inside, the bed in almost entirely covered with stuffed animals. The walls are white and decorated with several movie posters. A pale pink carpet covers the floor. Josh still can't believe an adult has a room like this.

"Sorry if it's like, I don't know, weird..." Tyler mumbles, gently closing the door behind them. Josh can barely hear the music from downstairs.

"It's not weird, it's cute," Josh replies, before he can even register what had just left his mouth. Tyler blushes a soft pink that matches the carpet and sets down his cup of apple juice. "Hey, can I.... Try something?"

Tyler nods, almost eagerly, looking at Josh with those doe eyes and licking his lips innocently as if he had no clue what Josh was about to do. Josh doesn't either; he's just curious and just wants to try it...

So before he can chicken out, his lips mold against the brunette's soft ones. He tastes like cherry chapstick and apple juice and Josh doesn't actually hate it. In fact, he cups Tyler's face and deepens the kiss, working their lips together slowly, hesitantly. It's just a test; Josh is straight but it's human nature to be curious. Right?

Although Tyler's lips don't feel like anything Josh is used to, and although it feels so wrong, it also feels so right. The two stumble backwards onto the bed, knocking the stuffed animals off as they go. Tyler squeaks, his hands tangling themselves in Josh's purple hair.

Josh pulls away, suddenly, lust-blown eyes timidly searching Tyler's for any sign of regret. When he finds nothing, his lips curl into a small smile. He kissed a boy.... And he liked it.

"Can I do that again?" he asks, nearly jumping for joy when Tyler nods his head yes.

Their lips connect again, this time in a more heated kiss. Josh's hands are touching and pulling and needy all over Tyler's body. He feels the boy panting against his mouth and knows he must be having some sort of effect on him.

"Josh," he mumbles, placing a hand on his chest as he disconnects their lips. "Do you like me?"

Just because Josh kissed him doesn't mean he likes him... Right? He's straight, right? He loves Debby, right? He's not into Tyler... Is he?

"I don't know," he admits, finally, his voice barely above that of a whisper.

"Then what are you doing right now?"

"I don't know," he repeats. "I was curious and you looked so pretty and I thought I was straight and... I don't know."

Tyler giggles, pecking his lips once more. "You think I'm pretty?"

"Yeah," he finds himself smiling. It feels kind of good to admit it outloud. "Yeah, you're really pretty. I think you just got a straight guy to fall for you."

"Must not be straight then," Tyler teases, his teeth poking past rosy lips. "Can I, um, have your phone number?"

"Oh, um, yeah. Yeah, definitely," Josh stutters nervously, swapping phones with Tyler to type his number in.

"You have a girlfriend," Tyler states, showing Josh the contact listed as Babe <3.

"Oh, uh... I do, yeah. Well, I did. I think I'm going to break up with her."

"Why's that?" Tyler grins, as if he didn't already know the answer to the question.

"I want to be with you instead."

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