14-Curious (Part 2)

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Josh was sure Tyler was not freaking out as much as he was. He took a shower when he got home, even though he'd taken one in the morning. Josh only had a half hour left afterwards, so he ran around his room naked while trying to piece together an outfit.

He told Tyler to dress nice, but not too nice. What the hell did that mean? Josh didn't even know what he meant by that. Five minutes has passed before Josh decided to wear something he'd worn on a date with Debby before.

He wore black jeans and a button-up, white, short sleeve shirt. After dressing, he jogged back in the bathroom to do his hair. Josh used his mom's hair dryer, fluffing his dark brown curls with his fingers. He looked plain, he really wanted to dye his hair soon.

While getting ready, Josh couldn't stop himself from worrying again. What if someone from school saw him on a date with Tyler? What if his parents found out? Would everyone hate him? And what if Josh realized he didn't actually like Tyler? He would probably break the poor boy's heart!

Josh suddenly felt like he couldn't do this anymore. He couldn't go because what if he hurt Tyler? Tyler was sweet and innocent, he didn't deserve to be hurt by Josh. That all-too-familiar feeling deep in Josh's gut returned. He knew what it was now, it was definitely guilt. How could he feel guilty for wanting to be with Tyler, and then feel guilty just from worrying about hurting him?

Josh was utterly confused. Why did he feel so guilty all of the time? Would he feel like that every time he was with Tyler? Because if that was the case, Tyler definitely did not deserve that. He deserved the whole world, yet Josh was just a confused, guilty boy questioning his sexuality.

He checked the time after doing his hair. He had ten minutes to get to Tyler's, which would be easy. Josh should get there early if he left now. He ran back to his room and put his white vans on. He applied deodorant and put on way too much cologne, but he just wanted to smell good for Tyler.

Josh raced downstairs, his wallet in one pocket and phone in the other. He couldn't actually drive yet, he only had his permit. He'd already thought of a good excuse to tell his mom, though. Josh could tell her about Tyler if things ever got serious.

"Hey mom, can we pick up my friend Tyler? We're going on a double date. We're meeting the girls at the restaurant."

"Sure, sweetie. Have I met any of them?"

"No," Josh shook his head as they walked out to the car together. "Tyler is a sort of new friend. He hangs out with me and Brendon."

"Ah, I see," his mom smiled as she started driving down the street. "Where does Tyler live?"

So, Josh gave her the directions. He only knew where Tyler lived because he'd gone with Brendon to drop him off there a couple of times. He also made sure to tell his mom what restaurant they were going to before they got to Tyler's house.

"Here it is," Josh spoke up.

His mom slowed to a stop in front of Tyler's two-story house. Josh looked at the time, he was one minute early. He was proud of himself, even though Tyler probably wouldn't have even realized. The boy came out the front door nearly seconds after they'd arrived, and Josh's heart skipped a beat.

He was dressed similar to Josh, except his shirt was long-sleeved and a pale blue color. He wore a beautiful smile, and Josh could see his pink cheeks as he crawled into the backseat. Josh mentally cursed at himself. He should've sat in the backseat to be with Tyler, but there he was, sitting shotgun.

"Hi Tyler!" Josh's mom spoke first. "Josh said you're a new friend of his?"

Josh grew worried for a split second. What would Tyler think of that? Would he be upset Josh told his mom he was only a friend?

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