25-Tom and Jerry

409 21 36

Tyler goes to the same Starbucks every morning before work, particularly to see a certain man with crazy pink hair, a bright tattoo, and an even brighter smile. His name tag reads Josh which Tyler thinks is very boring but come on, his name is Tyler.

He exits his air conditioned car reluctantly, beads of sweat already forming at his hair line. It's extremely hot for Ohio and Tyler prefers the cold anyway, so he rushes inside before the heat starts to turn his face red.

A little bell chimes as he enters. His eyes land on the man behind the counter only to find him already watching Tyler. Josh smiles, making the brunette's heart beat faster.

Tyler has never even had a conversation with Josh outside of Starbucks. He just has a stupid little crush on the stupid cute boy with the stupid perfect smile. He approaches the counter with a big smile to match Josh's.

"Good morning," Josh speaks first, his voice just as cheery as it always is. "Your usual?"

"Uh huh," Tyler nods, leaning across the counter. "But remember, my name is Tyler. T-Y-L-E-R. Tyler."

"Right," Josh grins. "Got it."

He gets to work and Tyler stands off to the side, messing with the napkins on the counter. He feels awkward just standing without keeping his hands busy. Usually he'd wear a ring to twirl or nail polish to pick at, but he was in a hurry this morning and forgot to paint his nails last night.

Tyler is only waiting for a few minutes before Josh approaches him, that stupid grin spread across his face.

"Tyler," he says politely, handing the boy his coffee.

The first thing Tyler does, the first thing he always does, is look at his name. T-I-E-L-E-R. What the fuck? Tieler?

The brunette raises his eyes to Josh, who is standing there with his arms crossed and a smug look on his face. This happens every day. Every single day Josh manages to find a way to spell Tyler's name different. Maybe it's his way of flirting, maybe he wants to be annoying, or maybe he's just stupid.

"Thanks, Jennifer," Tyler retorts, trying not to laugh at the confusion clear on the man's face.


"Yes, thank you."

And he walks out without another word.


Tyler is nearly dancing with excitement as he skips his way inside of the infamous Starbucks where that familiar smile instantly greets him. Glancing around, Tyler realizes this place is hardly ever busy. He looks to his watch, he's fifteen minutes early today. Purposefully.

"Good morning, you're early," Josh notices, glancing at what Tyler guesses is a clock behind him.

Tyler doesn't owe him an explanation, but he finds himself telling a little lie anyway. "My cat woke me up."

"Ah," Josh nods. "Why do you come so early in the morning anyway? Most people are asleep at six in the morning."

"First shift at the hospital," Tyler shrugs, leaning against the counter. He glances at the menu as if he's going to get something different today. They both know he won't.

"Ooh, a doctor."

"Nurse, actually," Tyler corrects.

"You're not wearing scrubs."

"They're in my car," Tyler rolls his eyes. "Why do you care, anyway?"

"I don't know. The usual?"

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