11-Boring Host

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"I'm going to go hang out with Brendon, okay?" Ryan asks.

Tyler sighs. "Okay, I guess."

"What's wrong?"

"This is boring and I want to go home," Tyler complains.

Ryan rolls his eyes. "Just sit down and I'll be back in like thirty minutes."

Tyler knows it will probably be longer, but he still plops down on the loveseat regardless. He looks around the house, eyeing all of the other people that look like they're having a good time. He isn't, this is the most boring party he's ever been to.

"Can I sit?" A voice asks, pulling Tyler from his thoughts.

His eyes land on a man with blonde hair. (fuck me I love blonde Josh ok) Tyler literally feels his heart skip a beat. Maybe he could make things a little more interesting.

"Go for it," Tyler shrugs, trying to seem unbothered.

The man nods and sits so close to Tyler their thighs are touching. It makes Tyler's skin tingle. He looks at the man in wonder.

"I'm Josh," he announces.


"Why're you sitting here all by yourself?"

"My friend ditched me for his boyfriend, and I'm so bored I could gauge my eyes out."

Josh chuckles, his arm falling around Tyler's shoulders. He seems like a really touchy person to Tyler. "This party too boring for you?"

"This is a sorry excuse for a party," is Tyler's reply.

"Oh really?" Josh seems amused, his eyebrows raised and lips curled into a smirk.

"Really. I'd rather go home and go to sleep."

"I'm not making it any better?"

Tyler thinks about that for a moment. "No, you are. This is the most fun I've had all night."

Josh smiles, he looks proud. "You're pretty cool, Tyler."

"You're cool, too."

"The host must be really lame, yeah?"

"Yeah!" Tyler agreed. "They ran out of alcohol before I could even get drunk!  This music sucks, who the hell listens to techno?"

Josh laughs, getting smile lines and wrinkles around his mouth and eyes. Tyler feels himself fall deeper for the man; he's swooning. How could someone be so handsome and so beautiful at the same time? It's not fair, Tyler wishes he could be even just one of those things.

"I like you," Josh smiles.

"Like, as a friend?"

"No, not as a friend."

Tyler blinks in surprise. "Do you know where the bathroom is?"

Josh nods and his hand wraps around Tyler's as he leads the latter to the bathroom. Tyler is going to faint. The most attractive man he's ever seen, that he's just met, is holding his hand. He just told Tyler he likes him, too. What the fuck? What's so special about Tyler?

Josh opens a door in the hallway. Tyler gratefully steps in.

"I'll be right back."

He locks the door, turns to the mirror, and screams.

"FUUUUUCK!" he yells, out of no particular reason. He's feeling so many things at once, 'fuck' seems like a good word to describe all of them. "FUCK!"

Oneshots //joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now