17-Degradation Kink

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Tyler is the best-known slut on campus and he's quite proud of it. He's been going to college for a little of two years now, and his body count is extremely high, to say the least.

Tyler fumbles through his dresser, currently alone in his dorm. He has it all to himself because his parents were rich enough to pay for it. He's a total mama's boy and would die of embarrassment if she ever found out of his developed habit.

Tyler just loves sex. So what? Big deal.

He picks out a lingerie set. It's white lace and compliments his sun-kissed skin perfectly. He wonders if Josh will like it.


He's never had sex with Josh before. They have a few classes together, and are actually both majoring in art. Josh had confronted him in class the other day, asking if the rumors were true. Tyler was bold enough to ask, "Why don't you come find out?"

So here he is now, wondering if he should change into the maroon set instead. It's too late, though. There's a knock on his door. Tyler slides his pale pink robe on over his smooth skin, and meets Josh.

He looks amazing, but that's nothing new. Tyler actually has had a crush on him since forever, but never worked up the courage to talk to him. He was afraid Josh was one of those guys that slut-shamed. Luckily, everything worked in his favor.

"Hi, Tyler."

"Hi. Come in."

Tyler opens the door wider, allowing Josh to step in. He makes sure to lock it behind him. Josh looks around while Tyler stands there and awkwardly does the same.

"Sorry, I've never done this before," Josh chuckles, his eyes traveling back to Tyler.

"Done what? Fucked another guy?"

"No, showed up at someone's door asking for sex."

"Oh," Tyler mumbles. He's not sure why he's being so awkward, usually he'd have no problem leading whoever it was to the bedroom. This feels different, though. He actually cares about how Josh thinks of him.

"You look beautiful, by the way."

Tyler's blushing now, which is something he rarely did. He recieves compliments all the time, but Josh has some sort of effect on him. "Thank you."

"Show me the bedroom."

With a nod, Tyler locks his fingers around Josh's thumb and pulls him into the bedroom. It's clean, thankfully. No cum towels in sight.

Josh sits on the bed but stops Tyler. "Stand. Take your robe off."

It's so sudden it catches him off guard. Tyler managed to forget Josh is here to have sex with him. He nods, suddenly feeling shy now that Josh was being more dominant. Slowly, he unties the soft robe and lets it fall off his shoulders. He sees Josh's adams apple bob. He feels more confident.

"That looks so good on you."

"I know," Tyler grins, watching Josh eye him from head to toe.

"Come here," he says finally, after a full minute of admiring Tyler. The latter obeys, taking a seat on Josh's lap. He feels his boner pressed up against his ass. It gives him goosebumps.

"Does anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are?" Josh wonders outloud, his right hand kneading Tyler's thigh while the left traces shapes on his back.

"Not as much as you are," Tyler admits, letting his hands raise to cup Josh's face.

"That's a shame." Josh's voice has dropped to a whisper, only arousing Tyler more. He leans in, suddenly, touching their lips together in what is no doubt the best kiss Tyler has ever had. There's nothing special about it, besides the fact that it's Josh.

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