28-Study Session (Part 2)

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Tyler sits anxiously, fingers tapping against his thighs as he sits with Brendon. They're waiting for Josh, whom Brendon was very excited to meet after hearing every single detail from the day prior.

He thought it was a great idea. He wanted Tyler to watch him get fucked by another man and vice versa. In all honesty, Tyler was shocked he wasn't upset in even the slightest bit. If anything, he seems like he's happy.

There's a knock on the door, but neither of the boys move. Josh lets himself in, a small backpack slung over his shoulder. He stands before the two boys, both of which are fidgeting nervously.

He grins. "So you're Tyler's boyfriend?"

Brendon nods, gulping as he meets the older man's eyes. "Yep. And you're Josh."

"Yep," Josh chuckles, sensing the tension in the room. Is it awkward? Is it sexual? Maybe both? "Did little Tyler tell you what I did to him?"

"He did..." Brendon says, his hand instinctively searching for Tyler's. Their fingers intertwine tightly, Josh watching the small exchange.

"You love each other?"

"We do."

Again, Josh smiles. "Want to show me to your room, Tyler?"

"Sure," the brunette mutters, hand still locked with Brendon's as Josh follows them to the bedroom.

The oldest can tell the two feel awkward. That won't last long, pretty soon lust will overcome anything else they might be feeling.

He locks the door behind them, just in case Tyler's parents stop by on their lunch break for some reason. They never have before, and probably won't now, but just to be sure.

Josh watches the couple sit on the bed, Tyler's legs thrown over Brendon's. He's hard already, just picturing what he's going to do to these lovebirds. This is going to be so fucking fun.

He tells them to get comfortable, especially Tyler.

"You'll get your turn, baby," he says, eyeing the eighteen year old hungrily.

With a blush, Tyler nods. He makes room for Josh, who wastes no more time and captures Brendon's lips in a kiss.

The latter gasps from the unexpected action, and Josh takes it as the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue past the raven-haired boy's lips. His hands roam beneath his shirt, gently rolling his thumbs over each nipple.

Brendon lets out the smallest of groans, his fingers tangling in Josh's hair. Slowly, teasingly, Josh kisses down his neck, holding eye contact with Tyler the entire time. The brunette is blushing profusely, sitting with his legs crossed and hands over his crotch.

"Don't touch yourself," Josh orders, watching Tyler set his hands on the bed. "Good boy."

He turns his attention back to Brendon, taking his and the boy's shirt off. "Don't be afraid to speak, baby. Tell me what you're thinking."

"You're fucking hot," Brendon blurts, tongue gliding over his lips. "I can't even be mad at Tyler for fucking you because you're so fucking hot and I want you to fuck me so bad."

Josh chuckles, softly palming the outline of Brendon's cock through his shorts. "Have you ever been fucked before? Has Tyler ever fucked you?"

"N-No I always..."

"You always fuck him, I get it," Josh hums, glancing over at the blushing brunette who can't seem to tear his eyes away. "You don't like to be the one in charge, I'm guessing?"

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