16-Thigh Riding

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Tyler has had a crush on Josh for as long as he can remenber, and it doesn't help the fact that they're best friends. Josh is openly gay; he's had sex with more guys than Tyler could count on two hands. It was probably due to the fact that he was somehow extremely attractive to anyone, gay or straight.

Tyler hasn't come out yet, he's afraid to. It's an irrational fear, because Josh obviously won't hate him for being gay. Nevertheless, Tyler's throat still closes up every time he works up to courage to come out. He always ends up changing his mind and saying he'll do it another day.

He thinks today is that day, because he's sick of seeing Josh bring a different man home every weekend. Yes, home. They live together, but only as friends. They're both in their early twenties, sharing a house simply because they hated to be away from each other.

Every Friday night Josh will bring a new guy home, and every Friday night Tyler spends feeling sorry for himself in his bedroom. He doesn't want it to happen again, which is why he's shaking when he knocks on Josh's bedroom door.

There's no answer for a second, but then Josh tells him to come in. Tyler smiles upon seeing Josh, who is sitting on his bed with a blanket covering his waist.

"Hey, Ty. Need something?"

"Yeah, actually," Tyler starts, and takes a seat on the edge of the bed. "I have to tell you something."

He glances at Josh, seeing him gulp. There's a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead. "What is it?"

"I- Um... Well, I... I'm... Josh, I'm gay," he finally chokes out, dropping his eyes to his fingers, which are toying with the blanket covering Josh.

"Really?" Josh sounds rather amused. Tyler looks at him again, and notices he's smiling ever so slightly. He nods.

"Yeah, I just didn't wanna tell you because... Well, I don't know why. I was worried," he rambles, nervously clenching the blanket in his fist.

"It's okay, Ty. I obviously don't care if you're gay. Have you ever been with a guy, though?"


"Have you ever watched gay porn?"

Tyler's eyebrows raise in shock. He has, obviously, but he feels weird admitting it to Josh. He just nods.

"Ever jerked off to it?"

He blushes now, his cheeks growing hot along with the spot between his legs. He's never talked with Josh about stuff like this. It's kind of embarrassing. "Um, yeah..."

"Do you ever imagine it's you and someone else?"

"Um," Tyler hesitates, eyes dropping to where Josh's hand had slipped under the blanket. "Have you?"

"Yeah," Josh is biting his lip, and Tyler tries to ignore the fact that the blanket is moving up and down. However, he can't ignore the growing heat in his jeans.

"Me too," he admits, throat suddenly dry. He wants to see what Josh is doing under that blanket.

"Who do you think about?" Josh presses on, and Tyler realizes how gruff his voice sounds.

"Don't hate me, okay?"

"I wouldn't ever."

"I think about you," Tyler says so quietly he wonders if Josh hears it. He eyes the man cautiously, and watches as a large smirk spreads across his face.

"Really now?" Josh says in a teasing way, and Tyler nods shamefully. "What would happen if I were to say I think about you too?"

"I-I dunno," Tyler mumbles. "What're you doing under the blanket?"

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