10-Daddy Kink (Part 2)

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Josh usually isn't gentle with Tyler, because that's not what either of them want. They both like rough sex; the biting, scratching, hair-pulling kind of sex. Tyler likes when Josh chokes him, and Josh likes the look of his fingers around Tyler's pretty throat. There's nothing different about this time, either. Tyler realizes this as Josh is practically ripping his clothes off of him. He wants to whine, to tell Josh to be careful, but that would only result in a hand over his mouth.

Josh's hands push him down against the bed while his mouth attaches to Tyler's throat as he leaves various love bites, making the boy's skin burn. Tyler's hands are lost in Josh's hair, tugging and pulling while he felt Josh bring a hand down to grab him.

He gasps, Josh's hot hand rubbing over his dick is already enough to make him cum. Tyler is needy, he whines when Josh's hand pulls away and the cold air hits him.

"Daddy," he mumbles. "Please."

"Please what, baby boy?"

"Please make me feel good."

Josh smiles, making Tyler blush. Kisses are peppered down Tyler's stomach until suddenly Josh's tongue is swirling around Tyler's hole. He gasps, his hands falling out of Josh's hair to grab his shoulders instead.

"Mmm," Josh hums, burying his tongue inside Tyler.

Rapturous moans are pouring out of Tyler, and he knows he's not supposed to touch himself but that doesn't stop him. Josh doesn't seem to mind, he only adds a digit in Tyler. The boy needs more, his blunt nails digging into Josh's shoulders.

"More," he chokes out, head tilting back against the pillows.

Josh adds another finger, giving Tyler what he wants. Soon there's three fingers in Tyler, and he already feels like he's going to cum. He tells Josh this, hoping he would let him, but instead Josh removes his fingers and sits up to kiss his boyfriend.

Their tongues twirl around each other for a few moments until Josh pulls away. He straddles Tyler, his knees pressing into the boy's shoulders. Josh's cock is sprung in his face, making Tyler grin.

His mouth opens with a "good boy" from Josh. Tyler hums in content, looking at Josh through his lashes while he slowly bobs his head along the man's length. Josh grabs his hair and pushes his head down against the pillows.

"Let me do it," he growls, making Tyler's stomach do a somersault.

Tyler holds his mouth open like the good boy he is while Josh fucks his mouth. There are tears in his eyes; he's trying so hard not to choke but it's hard when Josh's cock is hitting the back of his throat.

"Don't choke," Josh orders, and Tyler hums in some sort of acknowledgement.

Tyler feels Josh's thrusts get sloppy, and he knows he's close. He hopes he doesn't cum, because how would that be any fair to him? As if Josh could read his mind, he pulled out of Tyler's mouth.

"Like this or hands and knees?" he asked, grabbing the lube they kept on the bedside table.

"Whatever you want, Daddy."

"Like this," Josh decides, coating his length in the lube.

Strong hands grab Tyler's legs, lifting them up to wrap around Josh's waist. Tyler watches him eagerly, his dick throbbing from neglect. Josh rests one hand by Tyler's head and the other wraps around the boy's neck.

"Safe word?" Josh asks.

"Bubblegum," Tyler responds, although it comes out kind of quiet because of the grip on his neck.

Josh smiles, kisses Tyler, and tells him he's a good boy. Then, Tyler feels Josh start to push into him. It burns and he whines.

"Take it, baby. I know you can."

Tyler nods, he can take it. He places his hand over Josh's, signaling for him to choke harder. Josh obliges and squeezes Tyler neck as he suddenly thrusts his whole length into the boy. A long, drawn-out moan escapes Tyler.

"S'good?" Josh mumbles, eyeing the beautiful boy underneath of him.

"Yes, Daddy," Tyler chokes out, his toes curling in bliss while Josh thrusts into him. "Harder, please."

Josh listens, his skin slapping against Tyler's. He leans down to kiss him, their chests pressed together. Tyler's hands find their way to Josh's back, scratching and marking up his skin. Josh is moaning, and it's only because he knows how much Tyler likes it, how much it turns him on. Tyler's much louder, however, his cries easily drowning out Josh's.

"Taking it so good, baby. You're doing such a good job."

Tyler starts to feel light-headed, but doesn't want to say the safeword because then Josh would stop. Instead, he tugs on Josh's hand and the man gets the idea. He removes his hand from Tyler's throat and tugs his hair instead.

"D-Daddy, feels so good. 'M gonna..."

Tyler trails off, but it doesn't take a genius to know what he was implying. Josh sits on his thighs again so he can stroke Tyler while still pounding him. The brunette's eyes roll into the back of his head and his thighs tremble as he spills over Josh's hand and onto his stomach. Euphoria rushes over him as black dots cloud his vision.

"Oh my god," Tyler groans, his back arching off the bed before he starts to come down from his high.

"Fuck," Josh grunts, slamming his hips into Tyler once more before he cums too.

Tyler moans at the feeling, his heart racing in his chest. Josh pulls out of him while he feathers kisses across his collarbones.

"Wanna take a bath?"

"Yes, please."

"Want me to get in with you?"

Tyler nods, his fingers running through Josh's hair in a more gentle way now. He looks at Josh in adoration, a soft red permanently dusted across his cheeks.

"Why're you smiling like that?" Josh chuckles, kissing over the newly formed hickeys on Tyler's neck.

"I just love you so much."

"I love you too, cutie. Ready for that bath now?"

"Carry me," Tyler orders. He's always cuddly after sex; doesn't want Josh to stop touching him even for a second.

Josh laughs, the sound being music to Tyler's ears. He's scooped off the bed and into Josh's arms as he's carried into the bathroom. Josh sets him on the toilet while he draws the bath water.

"I love you, baby boy," Josh says with a kiss to Tyler's forehead.

"I love you too, Daddy."

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