The Time Has Come

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No ones POV: Nikki and John check into their hotel room and relax for a little while before they go to the foster home. Nikki looks at John and realizes that something is not right.

N) John are you ok is my tough guy nervous?

J) Nicole I just don't want to let them down. I have meet kids who come from WWE parents and the kids are unhappy. I don't want our children to go through that.

N) They will never be upset with you they already know what we do I made sure Linda (the woman from the foster home) told them what we do for a living. These kids are so lucky to have you as their father you are a huge role model. We will make sure that our children will have a great life and we will spend any amount of time we have with them. I love you and I'm so happy to have you and now for us to start a family.

They lean in for a kiss and gaze into each others eyes.

Johns POV: Nicole is right what am I stressing over. I'm not going to let what happen to those kids happen to mine. These kids will know how much I love them and how much they mean to me. I can't believe I will finally have a son and two beautiful daughters.

No ones POV: The two leave the hotel and start to make their way to the foster home. The car ride was completely silent not one noise was made. They pull up to the foster home and stare at each other with fear and excitement for a few seconds and both take a deep breathe. This is the last time it would be the two of them. The couple get out of their car and walk the long path that leads to the front porch of the little foster home. Linda greets them at the front door.

L= Linda

L) Hi Nicole it's so nice to meet you.

N) Nice to meet you to. Linda this is my boyfriend John.

L) Nice to meet you John.

J) Pleasure to meet you Linda.

L) Come in the children are dying to meet you. Ever since I told them that they are getting new parents they have started to eat again.

N) Thank god I was getting worried.

No ones POV: Linda takes John and Nikki into a small room where all three kids are sitting waiting patiently to meet their new parents. Olivia is sitting with Johnny on the couch talking while the baby Annabella sits in a car seat.

L) Children your parents are here please come and introduce yourselves.

O= Olivia Jj= Johnny

O) Nice to meet you my name is Olivia. And this is Johnny he's a little shy.

Nikki's POV: These children are gorgeous I can't believe I get to call them mine. Olivia is absolutely stunning she has the prettiest long brown hair and her big brown eyes. Johnny is adorable he has the same hair cut as John. Annabella is like a little doll I can't wait to dress her up!

O) And this is Annabella.

No ones POV: Olivia hands Nikki the infant and instantly Nikki begins to get her motherly instincts. John and Nikki stare at the small little baby that Nikki has in her arms. The two then decide to sit down and get to know there new children.

L) I will let you all get to know each other.

N) Thank you. So Olivia do you play any sports?

O) I played soccer for 9 years and danced for 13 years.

N) Really I played soccer for 12 years I loved it. What kind of dance did you do?

O) I did ballet, tap, jazz, pointe, and hip-hop.

N) Nice! So Johnny did you play any sports?

Jj) I... I played football and baseball. I was number 2!

N) really that's awesome buddy. You know what I was number two when I played soccer.

No ones POV: The new family talk for hours. They got to know each other so well. It was as if they have knew the kids all their life it was never awkward and the kids opened up to them. Mrs. Linda comes in to check on everything.

L) How is everything going?

John and Nikki both say great!

L) Excellent. Children will you sit in here for a little while. I need your parents to sign some parents in order for the adoption to be finalized and papers so you can go home with them tonight.

O) Sure Mrs. Linda, but can I have a bottle for Annabella.

L) Of course.

No ones POV: Nikki and John go into sign the paper work in order for them to adopt the kids. While they sign papers the kids sit awaiting for their new parents to come in and take them home. As soon as Mrs. Linda tells them that they are now the proud parents of three children they then race to the room where the children are and give them a big hug. Olivia then starts to cry tears of joy overwhelmed with the fact that she now has a new family. John hugs his daughter and kisses her on the top of the head. The new family packs up the kids things. As the children say their good byes John places their things in the car. The family gets into the car and heads to the hotel room where they spend the night.

The Kids She Always Wanted(John Cena and Nikki Bella)Where stories live. Discover now