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No ones POV: It has been a week since Olivia has come home from the hospital and the family went back to their normal routine. John and Nikki went back to work a few days after Liv came home. But they had one surprise for her when she woke up that morning. John and Nikki had left for a WWE event in New York they knew Olivia loved New York so much they had a plan for her. They made a video for her to watch. Here's what it said.


J) Good Morning Liv I hope you had a good sleep! Well we know how much you love New York and how much you love watching your mom and I wrestle.

N) So me and dad decided we would fly you out to the arena and get to spend the day with us and go backstage and experience the WWE life. There will be a car waiting for you at 11:30 to take you to the airport we will be there when you land pack for two days a nice outfit for the arena and some gym clothes we can't wait to see you angle we love you have a safe flight!

Olivia's POV: Oh my fricking god I can't believe I get to go to watch my parents doing what they love in person and get to go back to my home New York. Oh crap it's almost 11 I better get packing!

MK) You excited to get to go to see mom and dad wrestle live?

O) I can't wait! How much longer do I have?

MK) It's 11:22 you better hurry up.

O) I'm done ok the cars here I love you give Johnny and Annabella a kiss for me I will see you in a few days!

MK) Have fun sweet heart call me when you land!


N) Where is she I hope she made the flight?

J) Don't worry knowing Liv she wouldn't miss this flight for the world you know how bad she has wanted to see us wrestle!

N) Your right! Wait I see her oh my baby I missed her so much! (Nikki runs up to Olivia and gives her the biggest hug and kiss)

O) I missed you guys so much I just wanted to say thank you guys for flying me out here I can't wait to watch you guys tomorrow at Madison Square Gardens the home of dreams!

J) What I get no hug? And your welcome we love u too we feel you deserve this after what you had to go through you needed a little pick me up.

O) I would never forget to hug you daddy I love you so much and thanks and I'm so happy to be back in my backyard I love the city so much it feels good to be back!

N) Let's get going maybe when we get back to the hotel room we can go to the gym if you want?

O) Yeah that sounds great I haven't worked out since the day I went into the hospital I really need it so it sounds good.


N) So Liv how was your flight? Did you call grandma and tell her you got here safe?

O) My flight was great I slept through most of it and yes I texted her when we got to the hotel!

N) Good girl! Hey do you guys want to get something to eat?

J) Yeah sure!

O) Sounds great I'm starving!(They leave the gym and head to the hotels small cafe and have a little lunch)

J) Hey Liv me and mom wanted to ask you about your birth family if that's ok with you?

O) Yeah I'm fine you can ask me I want you guys to know what it was like.

N) Ok so what was it that your parents put you and your siblings into the foster home?

O) Well Johnny was in the foster home from the time he was born so when they put me and my sister in the foster home I was so happy to see him and to have all of us together as one. But they put us in their because they couldn't afford to take care of us anymore. They both were unemployed and had no money. Some nights I would go to bed starving with nothing to eat in the morning as well. But what made it worse was they were alcoholics so there was no helping them and it made me a very angry person so when they brought us to the foster home I was in a seance happy to have a new start. (Tears started to roll down Olivia's face)

N) I'm so sorry Liv to hear what you had to go through. I can't even imagine what it was like. Thank god you don't have to go back to that environment ever again and I can promise you this me and daddy will never do that to you and your siblings. Come here sweetie don't cry you are strong and you know me and daddy love you and your brother and sister so much we will never hurt you ok.

J) This makes me so angry to hear about what you had to go through but now I'm happy to have you here with us safe and away from that horrible place. And to think there are a ton of kids out there in this world that probably are going through what you went through that makes me sick to my stomach. Give me a hug my angle I hate seeing you cry.

O) I'm so happy that I have you guys and you don't even know how much I love you guys words can't even describe it. I thank god every night for bringing you guys into my life if it wasn't for you guys I would still be stuck in the foster home. Is it ok if we go upstairs I'm really tired I want to be full rested for tomorrow I can't wait to see you guys in action!

N) Of corse darling let's go I'm tired as well we all have a big day ahead of us!

No ones POV: The three go upstairs and get into bed and quickly fall asleep. Nikki's mind couldn't stop reliving what Olivia had told her. She couldn't stop but think how could someone do this to their children? Nikki got no sleep that night. She woke up super early and then it hit her she had the best idea ever to help Olivia get that big beautiful smile she always had. She made a few phone calls and when they get to the arena later Nikki will tell Olivia the big surprise. The question is what is the huge plan Nikki has in store for Olivia?

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