What The Day Will Bring

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No ones POV: The next morning brings nothing but joy. They all wake up with smiles on their faces. John has truly opened up to the kids. John has never seen Nikki this happy before. They all decide to get dressed and go to breakfast. As they all get ready Brie calls Nikki to check on how things are going.

B= Brie

N) Hey Brie!

B) Hey how are things going?

N) Everything is going great. The kids are amazing I can't believe I am a mother now it feels awesome.

B) That's great I can't wait to meet them. I'm lucky I get to be an aunt! How's John been with them?

N) At first he was afraid that he would lack the father figure that young kids need and he thought that he would let them down. I told him he was going to be a great father and everything would work out.

B) Aww! He is going to be a great dad he is so caring and super sweet he will be a great dad I'm sure the kids will understand.

N) Ya I mean Olivia already gets that we won't be around as much but we will try to make time to spend with them. I can not believe I have a teenager she is my mini me for sure she's got my attitude and style I love it.

B) Really that's good that she understands. Oh no not another Nikki.

N) In a good way! I will call you later we are heading out for breakfast we will be home in a day I can't wait for you and Bryan to meet them!

B) Ok have a nice breakfast and tell everyone I said hi! Love you!

N) Love you too bye!

No ones POV: Nikki ends the call with Brie and then heads down stairs to meet up with John and the kids. They all go into the restaurant in the hotel. The small family sits down and gets ready for the long day ahead of them.

The Kids She Always Wanted(John Cena and Nikki Bella)Where stories live. Discover now