A Prince Is Born

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Nikki's POV: Well the time flew by. I caved in and allowed Brie to throw me a baby shower. It was so nice to see all my family and friends and having them there to celebrate and shower me with amazing gifts it was a ton of fun. After I announced to the WWE Universe that we were expecting, I have been home with the kids. I love being here with them and getting to pick them up from school. Along with being home every day Annabella has finally gotten over the clingy stage. John stayed on the road while I have been home. My stomach has grown so much I'm finally 9 months and any day now he should be here. Thank goodness Steph is allowing John to stay with me for the next few weeks so he won't miss the birth. That's the last thing I want. I think I heard him coming in right now.

J) Nicole?

N) Right here!

J) Oh look at you. Hello Blake how are you. Come out soon bud we are dyeing to meet you. How have you been just think any day we will get to meet him and have him in our arms.

N) I know I'm huge. And I'm good and I know I can't wait I just want to hug him and kiss him and hopefully he has his daddy's eyes and dimples!

J) I hope he has your eyes. Yours are breathe taking. Speaking of holding babies, I see Belle is no longer clingy.

N) Yeah she finally gave up.

J) Where ate those little demons hahaha?

N) Liv's at Jakes, Johnny's over his friends house, and Belle and my mom went to the store. I will text Liv and tell her to come home it's almost time for dinner once my mom comes home. And Johnny should be here any minute.

J) Ok. I'm just going to bring my bags upstairs.

N) Ok I will be here waiting for you.

No ones POV: John brought his bags up and by the time he came down stairs Johnny had just gotten home. Not long after Liv, Nikki's mom, and Annabella were home too. They had dinner and went to bed. A few days goes by and Nikki was just getting ready for the day. John was laying in bed waiting for her to get done when all of a sudden.

N) John...

J) Yeah?

N) It's time!

J) Are you sure?

N) Yes I'm positive! (John comes walking into the bathroom with a shocked look on his face.)

J) Your bags ready right? Your moms here so we can leave right away right.

N) My bag is right there, and yes she's here. You ready to be a daddy again?

J) I can't wait. (The two kiss and then go downstairs. They say good bye to the kids and race to the hospital. Once they get there they immediately get into a room.)

J) This isn't that bad.

N) Take it easy, this is the calm before the storm. Give it a half an hour. (Well a half an hour went by and Nikki was right the doctor came in and gave it the ok to start pushing.)

Doc) Ok Nikki you ready?

N) Let's do this. (John grabbed her hand as she squeezed it.)

Doc) Good, good keep going the heads almost out.

J) Keep it up baby you can do it. Oh my god I can see him.

N) I can't do it, I can't John.

J) Nicole you got this. Take a deep breathe one more time I promise you.

Doc) One more big push then you are done. On three, 1,2,3. (Nikki pushed so hard and in a matter of seconds a faint small cry filled the hospital room.) It's a boy!

J) He's here, he here! You did great baby I'm so proud of you.

N) where is he? Is he healthy?

J) He's fine they are just wrapping him up. You did outstanding Nicole!

N) Ok and thanks I couldn't have done it with out you. (The nurse then walked over and placed the little 8 pound 3 ounces little boy in her arms.)

J) He is just perfect!

N) Hi Blake, I'm your mommy! I have waited a long time to see you! And you are just breathe taking. You have your daddy's dimples and little nose. I wonder who's eyes he is going to have?

J) Hey bud. I'm your daddy. It's crazy to think that we made this and how much he looks like both of us. And I really hope he has your eyes just like the rest of the kids.

N) It's insane! Maybe. I can't wait for Liv and the rest of the kids to meet him.

J) Same let me call your mom and tell her that he is here and that you guys are healthy.

N) Ok!

No one POV: John called Nikki's mom and gave her the great news. The couple and baby Blake spent the next few days in the hospital. After two days they were released and could finally bring him home to meet his big siblings. Liv fell in love with him. Johnny couldn't wait to have a friend to play with finally. Annabella adjusted perfectly with him and loves being Nikki's little helper. Their family is now complete and Nikki and John finally have the kids they always wanted.


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