Normal... For Now

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No ones POV: Nikki and Olivia land in San Diego early the next morning. The two get their bags and head to the airports garage and speed home. They make it home just in time because Johnny and Annabella had just woken up.

Jj) Mommy, Liv! I missed you guys so much!

N) Good morning buddy I missed you too! (As Nikki hugs Johnny in her arms and gives him a ton of kisses.) Were you a good boy for grandma while Liv and I were gone?

MK) He was great! He listened to everything I told him to do.

N) Good boy! How was my little ladybug? (As Nikki's mom hands her Annabella.) Oh mommy missed you so much!

MK) She was great I had no problems with her at all! So where's my Olivia I want to hear all about her WWE experience?

N) Good! She was just getting one last bag from the car I think I hear her coming!

O) Grandma! How was everyone while I was gone?

MK) Hi my girl everyone was great here sit down on the couch I want to hear all about last night!

O) Ok! It was amazing it still doesn't feel like it actually happened! Hearing the fans cheer mom on and even a few cheered for me which was awesome!

MK) I'm so proud of you I watched it on TV you did great! Johnny was so excited to see you on there and he was so shocked when he saw himself on the big screen!

O) Thanks! Oh Johnny he's so cute! How was he did he ask where I went?

MK) He did at first he asked if your back in the hospital which made me tear up a little. But then I told him you were with mommy and daddy in New York for a day or two and he was fine from then on!

N) Awww that just made me cry. He's so sweet I be the misses daddy what is he going to do when he doesn't come home this weekend?

O) What dad's not coming home? Oh Johnny's going to freak out completely!

N) No Liv because by the time he flys out here and then gets here he will have to then fly to the next city for Raw it's just to much. But he promised that next weekender he would make it up to you guys.

O) Ok I understand! And that's fine with me I can't wait to see him I think our best choice is to not tell Johnny.

N) All right. Hey mom if you want to go out for a little while you can I want to spend so time with the kids if that'd ok with you?

MK) Yeah it's fine I was going to run to the store and get some stuff for the week.

N) Ok!

No ones POV: Nikki spends the next day with the kids. But unfortunately Nikki had to leave to go meet John at the arena that raw is being held at. The kids spend the next week with Nikki's mom. She loves spending time with them and ever since Liv got to be at a WWE event she has never stopped smiling. But the week flew by so quick and before they knew it. That night John and Nikki were on their way home! What does John have in store for the kids? What will he do to make up not seeing them last weekend?

The Kids She Always Wanted(John Cena and Nikki Bella)Where stories live. Discover now