Please... Come Back

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No ones POV: When Nikki heard Olivia screaming she came right in. Nikki was in complete shock and could believe how Olivia was reacting. This is something Nikki ever thought she would see.

N) Liv come here, shhhh, shhhhh, shhhh it's all going to be ok I promise you. Your dad's a fighter and so are you please stay strong. I know it's hard to see him like this and I feel so bad that I have no way of taking away this pain. But we just have to stand tall and pray.

O) How could this happen mom. I don't know what I did or what any of us did to deserve this. And I know you wish you could take away this pain but this is life it's not always perfect we just have to be here for him. And hopefully God will answer our prayers.

N) Sweetie, there's nothing you could have done to prevent this like you said life's not perfect. I just love all of you so much and I can't picture my life without you kids or daddy in it.

O) Neither can I. What do we do now you know he's not waking up tonight.

N) Let's go home get some rest it's been a long day. And come back tomorrow.

O) Ok.

No ones POV: Nikki and Liv both kiss John good night. The get home and just crash. Nikki could not stop reliving that awful phone call. Nikki and Liv go to the hospital every day hoping and praying John would wake up soon. And one day when Liv was there alone she gets a special visitor.

Ja) Hey.

O) Jake, what are you doing here? How did you know I was here?

Ja) It's all over social media and plus Uncle Randy told me.

O) Oh really. (Jake walked over to her and just hugged her as she began to cry. He pulled apart and started talking to her again.)

Ja) Liv I'm so sorry for everything. I know this isn't easy to go through. But I want you to know that I am here for you. I messed up I shouldn't have gotten mad at you it was stupid and petty, I just want you to know that I love you bad want to be with you forever. (Jake leaned in and kissed Olivia the two began to have a full make out session.)

O) Jake I don't know what to say. I shouldn't have brought that up I know how you get. And I love you too I want to be with you for the rest of my life.

Ja) I got you a little something since we have been together for almost 8 months. (Jake pulls out a black box. When Liv opens it, it reveals a gold bracelet with a heart shaped charmed in graved with a J+O)

O) Oh Jake this is beautiful. I love it baby I will cherish this forever. (Liv gets on her tippy toes and holds Jake's face and gives him a kiss.)

Ja) I'm happy you like it. So how's he doing?

O) He's ok it's just a waiting game now they have no clue when he's going to wake up. It's just been hard not hearing his voice and i mean when this happened we kind of didn't leave off on the best of terms.

Ja) Gosh. And I know Uncle Randy told me, your mom called him to let him know. You know I'm here I will stay with you and anything I can do don't hesitate to ask.

O) Thanks and I will always be here for you too!

No ones POV: Jake and Liv stayed a little longer and then went home. The next day Nikki and Liv went back to the hospital. Nikki didn't stay long since she had to leave to go and do a few interviews, so Liv was left alone with John.

O) Hi daddy. (She said while holding his hand.) I still keep beating myself up over this whole thing. I know it wasn't technically my fault but in a way it was. I just don't know where everything went wrong. I have never even had the thought of hatred towards you or mommy so for me to say that was surprising. And when you told me to leave just broke my heart. We have never, ever gotten that angry at each other and what we did get angry about was silly. But when mommy told me you had been shot, I just crumbled. I feared that you would leave this world hating me and never want that to happen. I love you daddy you will always be the first man I will ever love. We have so many amazing memories like when me and you went for a daddy daughter date night, to going on the Ferris wheel in London, to even the small little memories I have with you and me just being silly together. I will forever hold those in my heart. And I hope we can have many more. I just need you back daddy I miss hearing your voice and your hugs. Oh your hugs are the best. Johnny and Bell have been missing you so much. And since you have been here Annabella started to talk a little. And Johnny finally learned how to ride a two wheeler bike on his own he was so proud of himself. We need you back daddy. And I know you would be so proud to hear that me and Jake resolved our issues and are back together. (What Olivia didn't know was John heard the whole thing. And started to open his eyes.) Daddy!

J) Hi baby girl.

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