This Cant Be Happening

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No ones POV: Nikki woke up super early and immediately sent an email to Olivia's principle. She began to make breakfast for her family and when she saw he replied back saying to come to his office at 12 she was happy. Then John came down stairs.

J) Good morning babe! (He said while giving her a kiss and hug.) It sure smells good down here.

N) Good morning my love, and I made your favorite pancakes.

J) Yes you know me so well. Hey, did you email Liv's principle?

N) Yeah I did he said to be at his office at 12 I can't wait to tell this guy off.

J) 12? I have a meeting at 10:30. Is it ok if I meet you at the school?

N) Yeah that's fine but be there at 12 sharp.

J) I will I promise. Gosh seeing you angry is so cute.

N) I just want to show this guy that you can't mess with my family.

J) Ok I'm going to go upstairs and get ready. I will see you later. (John got up and gave her a kiss and went upstairs.)

No ones POV: John got ready and headed to his meeting. Not long after Liv and Johnny had woken up along with Annabella. Nikki had there breakfast all made and ready for them. She fed them and the got herself dressed. She got her purse and kissed her kids good bye and headed to the school. Once she got there she marched right towards the principles office.


J) Come in!

N) John where is he? He said to be here at 12 now I'm even more aggravated. And why are there rose pedals and candles everywhere?

J) He's not coming. And Olivia and Tiffany never had a fight. She has not been bullied this whole year her and Tiffany are actually really good friends. And that black eye Liv had was make up. The reason for the rose pedals are because of this. (John then drops down to one knee. Nikki is just frozen and in shock.) Nicole, ever since the day we have adopted our children I have become a changed man. I wake up every day with a smile on my face because I finally have everything I want. Three beautiful children, the life I never imagined I would have, and lastly you. The moment you came into my life I knew I wouldn't be able to spend a day with out you. When I look at you with our kids it makes me so overjoyed. The way you love them and know just what to do with them just makes me smile knowing that I made your dream of being a mother finally come true. Stephanie Nicole Garcia Colace will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me? (John opened up the small box box and revealed a huge diamond ring.)

N) Oh my god John! Yes I will gladly marry you! (He places the ring on her finger gets up and the two begin to kiss.) Look at me I was all made for nothing. I can't wait to show Brie and my mom.

J) There's just one last surprise.

No ones POV: The two walk out of the principles office and then walk outside. When they get out there they see all there family out there waiting for them. Even Nikki's Nana. They all begin to walk over and hug them and congratulate them. Then Liv and the younger ones walk up to them.

N) You little actress. You knew this whole time?

O) Hahaha! Yeah I have I went with dad to go pick it out. And I mean the black I did look pretty real if I do say so myself.

N) It did. And might I say you know your momma real well it's just the ring have always wanted. All of you come here I love you all so much god has truly blessed me with an amazing family.

J) Come on let's all go back to our house to celebrate.

N) Ok. You guys get in the car I will be there in a minute.

J) Ok you ok?

N) Yeah I just need a minute. (John nods his head and walks off taking the kids to the car.) Well Pop-pop you truly have blessed me. This is something I never imagined I would ever experience. You never gave up on me and I hope you never will. Thank you and keep looking down on me and smile and see how much you have made me happy. I love you. (Nikki blows a kiss and then walks to her car and heads home.)

No ones POV: Everyone goes back to Nikki and Johns house and drinks and celebrate. Nikki is just still in shock over the whole thing and can't stop looking down at her hand and to know that she will now be Mrs. Cena. The night slowly comes to a close when all three kids pass out on the couch. Everyone goes home and John and Nikki carry the kids to their beds and they too go to bed knowing that in only a matter of time they will soon have the best day of their life.

The Kids She Always Wanted(John Cena and Nikki Bella)Where stories live. Discover now