The Reveal

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No ones POV: The event was just starting. Johns music starts to fill the arena fans begin to cheer as John runs down the ramp with his championship belts hanging around his neck. He begins to rial up the crowd with saluting mouthing "The Champ is Here". Olivia is backstage with Stephanie as they are looking on waiting for John to start addressing the WWE universe.

J) WWE universe you all know that me and my lovely girlfriend Nikki have recently adopted three amazing children. (John points to the big screen where a picture of John and Nikki and the kids is pulled up. As the arena says in unison Awww.) Thank you all for your love for our children but in the last week me and Nikki had a medical scare with our oldest daughter Olivia. She is ok now but we decided that we would bring her here tonight. So for the first time ever my daughter Olivia will be walking her mother out to her match tonight. (The crowd goes crazy!) Thank you WWE universe and have a great night! (John walks backstage and finds Liv waiting right outside of gorilla for him.)

O) Daddy you did great I can't wait to go out and interact with the crowd they seem so excited!

J) Thank you angle!(John kisses Liv on the forehead and gives her a big hug.) You are going to be great out there the crowd is so pumped.

O) Will you watch me and mom during her match?

J) I wouldn't miss it for the world I can't wait to see my little girl make her first WWE debut! Steph do you know where Nikki is her match is soon?

S) She's coming right now I see her walking down the hall. Ok so Olivia you will walk out with your mom when she does the Bella Booty Shake you can do it as well since you too are a Bella. Then she will hug you and you two walk down the ramp when you get down to the ring you will walk over to JBL to do the commentary. You got it all?

O) Sounds great I'm so excited I want to go right now! Who is mom competing against tonight?

S) Her competitor is Summer but your mom is going to be the winner of the match so you will get to go into the ring and celebrate with her!

O) Great even better I'm even more excited! How many more matches mom I want to go so bad?

N) Liv calm down I have never seen you this excited I'm happy you want to go out but we have 2 matches before mine!

O) Really ok I will calm down I just can't wait!


J) Good luck you two! Liv I will be watching the whole time you will do great! (John kisses both of them and sends them out!)

~~ From Scottsdale, Arizona Nikki Bella ~~

No ones POV: Nikki's music is echoing through the whole arena. The crowd is goes nuts when they see Olivia and Nikki both do the Bella Booty Shake. And when Nikki hugs Olivia and they walk down the ramp the crowd just Awws and screams even louder! Nikki kisses Olivia as she hops into the ring. Liv then proceeds to JBL to do the commentary.

JBL) Well hello there? You must be John and Nikki's oldest Olivia?

O) Yes I am it's a pleasure to meet you!

JBL) Same here! So tell us what is it like being the daughter to two huge well known parents?

O) I mean obviously it's not the normal but I mean I have come to except it and it is amazing! At first it was hard with them being in the road a lot but know I'm use to it.

Cole) How is John as a dad? Like when he comes home from a long week on the road what does he do with you and your two younger siblings?

O) My dad is amazing he is my biggest supporter along with my mom. They are always telling me that I can doing anything I set my mind to and work for. But when they come home from a week on the road they usually spend the first day cuddling with us and checking up on what we did that week and we go on family outings and yeah!

Cole) Wow you heard it from her John Cena has a soft side! One last question and I bet all of us have this question and are dyeing to know. It is, when you are old enough to become a WWE diva will you?

O) How did I know this question was coming! Um I have said I first would like to go to college and major in something relating to sports. But my answer is yes. I would love to become a WWE Diva. But let me make this clear I don't want people thinking I will have my parents buying my way into the company because that is not me. I want to earn my way into the company and not just expect that I will just be handed this job easily. Like I want to be treated like everyone else.

JBL) Well WWE universe you now know John Cena and Nikki Bellas daughter! It was a pleasure speaking with you Olivia and we hope to see you back here soon!

O) Thank you same here! Oh way to go mom nice rack attack!

~~ And your winner is Nikki Bella ~~

No ones POV: Liv jumps up and down and then runs up the stairs and into the ring. She runs and gives Nikki the biggest hug and spins her around. Liv raises Nikki's arm and then the two leave the ring with huge smiles on their faces.

Nikki's POV: Hearing Liv do the commentary was great she did such a good job! And to see her smiling and laugh felt so good. Seeing her happy makes me feel like I'm doing a great job as a mom. Maybe this is what Liv needs. She looked like she was enjoying it so much!

J) Oh my god Liv you did outstanding! Are you sure you have never done an interview before?

O) I'm positive! I had the best time and mom you did great I loved being able to be right there watching you!

N) Thank you sweet heart I loved hearing you do commentary! Steph how do you think Liv did?

S) She did amazing and the WWE universe loved her! Hey maybe every once in awhile you can come out and walk your mom out if it's ok with your parents?

O) Really? Thank you so much that would be awesome! Thank you again for giving me this opportunity I enjoyed it and I haven't been this happy for awhile now and I can't stop smiling!

S) Awww your very welcome sweetie it makes me over joyed seeing you smiling and happy come her give your future boss/new aunt a hug!

N) Awww you two are so cute thanks again Steph for letting Liv walk me out and do commentary.

S) Any time you two truly have an amazing young woman I can't wait to see what she has in store for the future. Well I will let you guys go it was so nice meeting you Olivia I can't wait to meet your little brother and sister! Good night you guys!

O) You too and good night as well!

J) Wow Liv you really made a name for yourself in the company I'm so proud of you!

O) Thanks daddy I love when you tell me that I'm doing great in everything I do!

J) Well I hate to leave you two. But I have to catch my flight to the next city. I will see you two beauty's when I come home in two days. Give Johnny and Annabella a kiss for me. Don't you two also have to catch your flight back home?

N) Yes we do we all better get going or we are going to miss our flights. And I will I love you call me as soon as you land ok?

J) I will I love you too! (Nikki and John have a small make out session. And then John gives Olivia a hug and kiss and says good bye as the three all leave for their two different flights.)

No ones POV: John couldn't be anymore proud of his little girl. He can't believe how great she did he didn't take his eyes off the television screen for a second. He can't wait for Olivia to be able to train and getting to see her in her first WWE match. But for now he will be watching her at soccer games and dance recitals. He lands in the next city and immediately calls Nicole and wishes her a good night and goes to bed.

The Kids She Always Wanted(John Cena and Nikki Bella)Where stories live. Discover now