Lets Hit The Road

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No ones POV: The family wakes up really early Sunday morning. Nikki checks all the bags one last time. Once she makes sure everyone has everything the head to the airport. When they find there gate they board the plane and they are off. They land in Chicago and immediately head to the hotel were they spend that whole day relaxing in preparation for Raw. John then gets a call from Stephanie.

J) Hey Steph what's up?

S) Hey John I was just calling to see if you and Nicole were checked in yet. Hunter and I wanted to come up to meet the younger ones. We also wanted to tell you guys about the plans we had for the kids.

J) Yeah we checked in not that long ago. We are on the fifth floor room 165. Johnny can't wait to meet you and Hunter him and Liv are so excited to go to Raw.

S) Ok great we will be up in like 5 minutes or so. See you then.

J) Ok sounds great see you in a few. (Johns hangs up the call.) Nicole, Steph and Hunter are going to come up to meet the younger ones and to also tell us about the plans they have for Raw this Monday.

N) Ok I just have to feed Annabella and I think Liv and Johnny are in their room resting just tell them and I will be done by the time they come to the room.


J) Steph, Hunter it's so good to see you guys! Come in, did you have a good flight?

H) Yeah it was good, yours?

J) It was good they kids were good. Speaking about the kids let me tell Nikki you are hear she was just feeding the baby and Liv and Johnny were in their room let me get them.

H) Ok we are in no rush. (John goes and tells Nikki that Steph and Hunter are here. She gives John Annabella and goes and tells Olivia and Johnny to come to the living room of the hotel room.)

N) Hi Stephanie and Hunter it's so always a pleasure seeing you guys.

S) Same here. Oh my god Nicole John, is little Annabella?

J) Yeah this is her my little princess and mommy's little ladybug.

S) She is just precious just a little doll. Can I hold her?

N) Of course! And perfect timing. Johnny this is aunt Stephanie and uncle Hunter say hi.

Jj) Hi. Your Triple H.

H) That's me hahaha. So this must be Olivia?

O) Yes it's a pleasure to meet you.

H) So polite just like her parents, you two have some amazing kids.

N) Thank you! So John said that you guys wanted to talk to us about the plans for the kids for Raw on Monday?

S) Yes we did. So we loved Johns idea for Johnny so we are going to do that one. And with Olivia you will walk your mom and aunt Brie out now that she is back. But there is a twist since we are all in this big storyline I will come out and start a big thing how you are building a bigger army trying to take me down or something like that. How does it sound?

N and O) Sounds great!

S) Perfect! I just can't get over the fact at how beautiful your daughters are and how cute Johnny is he looks so much like John.

J) Thank you the girls are just as beautiful as their mom. And Johnny's my buddy he wants to be just like his daddy one day. Along with Liv she wants to follow in her mom and aunts footsteps.

H) This will be great I can't wait to have them in the ring one day. Olivia how old are you again sorry for me asking?

O) No it's fine I'm 15 but I will be 16 on August 28th.

S) Ohh 16 that's a big birthday do you think you would like a party?

O) I mean I would love to have one but my parents have done so much for me I don't want to them to spend all this money for a big party. And also it would be really hard to get everything planed such short notice and getting all family out to California would be hard.

S) That is true maybe you could do just a small vacation somewhere or something. John and Nicole, Olivia is truly a very respectable young woman and is so sweet I can't wait to have her in the business.

N) Awww thank you and Liv if you want a party you can have one. We love you and only want you to be happy.

O) No mom it's fine I swear. Yes when I was younger I always wanted a sweet sixteen. But I also never thought I would have this amazing life I have and wouldn't want it any other way.

N) Your sure?

O) Positive. But we can talk about it later, now let's just talk about business.

J) That's my girl just like her dad all about business. (John hugs Liv and gives her a kiss.)

No ones POV: They all talk for a few more hours about the plans for Raw. Stephanie and Hunter leave and John and Nikki decide to take the kids to dinner. They get back to the hotel and get ready for bed. They get to bed super early in preparation for the big day they have in store for them.

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