Lets Bring You Home

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No ones POV: Nikki wakes up before Liv and John. When she sees that John is still in bed with Olivia having his arms wrapped around her makes Nikki tear up and smile. She heads to the hospitals cafe to get a little breakfast and heads back to Olivia's room. When she gets there John has just woken up.

N) Good morning my love!(Nikki and John kiss)

J) Good morning did you have a good nights sleep?

N) Yes! How did you sleep?

J) Great knowing my little girl was ok. It felt amazing getting to wrap my arms around her and hug her.

N) I bet! Hey how about we go home for a few hours spend some time with Johnny and Annabella then come back and hopefully the doctor will release her today.

J) Sure but are we just going to leave her here alone while she is sleeping and have her wake up to neither one of us here?

N) Of course not I would never do that to her. I will call Brie on are way home and ask her if she would like to come and stay with her while we hang out at home for a little while.

J) Ok I just don't want her to be alone ever.

N) None of are children will be alone ever they will always have us.

No ones POV: The couple gather up some of their stuff and leave the hospital. Before they leave they give Olivia a kiss. Nikki calls Brie as soon as they step out of the hospital. Before she can even finish telling Brie she is already in her car on her way to the hospital. When she gets to the hospital she begins to tear up with joy knowing her niece is ok. She goes into her room and Olivia is just waking up.

B) Good morning Liv how are you?

O) Good morning aunt Brie I'm feeling pretty good where's mom and dad?

B) They went home for a little while to spend some time with Johnny and Annabella and to get some stuff for you.

O) Ohh got it. Hey aunt Brie can I tell you something?

B) Of course Liv you can tell me anything I will always be here for you.

O) Alright so when I was sedated I spoke to this older man. He kept calling himself Pop-pop and he said he's been watching me and he said give mom and you a big kiss for him. He also said he's proud of you and mom for all you have done and to never give up on what you do.

Bries POV: Oh my god! I can't believe what Olivia just told me! When he said he would never leave us he was serious. I can't believe this and it makes me so happy that he is proud of what me and Nicole have become. I never thought I would hear from him again. I wonder if she told Nicole?

B) Liv he would have loved to meet you kids. Along with uncle Bryan and dad. I can't believe he spoke to you. And to know he's proud of me and your mom makes me so happy.

O) So you know who it is I guess?

B) Liv you spoke to your great-grandfather and my grandfather.

O) Really! Wow this is amazing! I also got a message from my grandmother she told me that I shouldn't feel guilty for not saying good bye to her she also said she never left me.

B) Ya pretty cool huh! You lost your grandmother Liv?

O) She died when I was 12. She died from cancer she was fighting for 5 years. She passed away in the hospital and I never got a chance to say I loved her and good bye. I have always held this guilt inside me and for her to tell me that it is ok and she knows how much I meant to her and that I will see her again one day.

B) I'm so sorry to hear about this Liv I know how you feel it's hard to loose someone. But must have been even harder losing someone at such a young age?

O) It was the hardest thing. But from that it made me stronger.

B) That's awesome Liv you are one of the strongest young woman I have met. But Liv one this did you tell mom that you spoke to Pop-pop?

O) No I wanted to tell you first because I was to afraid of what her reaction was plus I felt maybe as her sister you should tell her.

B) If you thought she would be mad she would never be mad at you. And I would love to tell her I'm happy you told me and didn't hide it from me and mom.

No ones POV: Brie gets up and gives Olivia a big hug and kiss. The two spend a few hours hanging out talking and watch a little TV. Nikki and John get a call from the doctor telling them that he is releasing Olivia today. Nikki decides to gather up some clothes for Olivia and they head back to the hospital. When Olivia sees her parents she is so happy, but when they tell her that she gets to go home she is even more happy. Liv gets changed and they sign a few release papers and head home. What will Johnny do when he sees his sister again?

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