Chapter 1 : The Beginning

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"YOU FAT SLUT!" One of the mean girls said throwing her lunch at me while i stood there biting my lip not wanting to cry. I looked at her bright brown hair seeing how beautiful she was and how ugly i looked.

"Good job babe." Her boyfriend, Giovanni smirked kissing her on the lips as my legs shook in fear. I stood up running away while i could hear them laughing at me as i felt tears run down my cheeks. "I'm so ugly." I cried sliding down the bathroom doors pulling on my hair.

I looked at myself in the mirror biting my lip looking at my donut sized stomach and my ugly clothes that my mom always told me looked beautiful on me. I wish they were here with me. My mom and dad have a pack they have to attend to which means i live alone by myself in a huge mansion. My sister, well she was one of those mean girls, she lived by herself.

I wipped off my tears grabbing my heavy backpack walking outside keeping my head down not wanting to see anyone look at me. That's hit i hit something hard. I hope it wasn't a pole cause i sent my butt on the floor.

I groaned while i could hear the laughters of other students making me quickly get my things while i saw someone was helping me. HELPING ME?! This never ever happened to me. I normally had to get everything myself.

"Hear you go, amour." I heard a Italian accent say while i looked back seeing if he was talking to someone else but he wasn't.

"I- t-thank y-y-ou." I stuttered as always. I don't know what type of problem i had but for some reason when i talk i stutter. It's the second reason why people make infront of me. "No problem , neonata." The boy infront of me said with a thick accent as i nodded putting a piece of hair behind my ear.

I walked away quickly not sparing a glance at him heading to my locker seeing the girls and boys whisper as i walk by. I mean i had no sense of fashion at all. I always wore black sweatpants and a baggy red shirt with run down shoes. You may ask why do you wear crappy clothing when you have lots of money.

Well there was one explanation for that i was SUPER LAZY, being a 16 year old plus sized girl it was hard finding clothes and i gave up.

Also did i mention, we live in a state where people rule places? We have the king and queen of elements, werewolves, vampires, witches, mermaids, sirens, hybrids, and alot more.

I lived where well a hellhound would live. But honestly i have no idea where i stand at. Wanna know something cool though? If i concentrate hard enough i can move things with my mind.

I never showed anyone this except my maid viviana and my parents. They had been confused also but no one really bother investigating it.

I opened my locker shoving my books inside there picking my history textbook. History had to been my favorite class. Learning about the different type of creatures we had back then made me feel excited.

"G-good morning Mr. Black." I said smiling taking my seat in the front row being always infront of all my classes but no one sits next to me.

There are two seats at each table but mine is the only one that no one takes a seat in. I have NO friends.

"Morning Ms. King." He smiled at me as he was about the only person i could really talk to out of anyone in this school. "Soo.. what is today's topic?" I asked eagerly nibbling at the bottom of my lip.

"Hybrids.. my favorite topic.. i did have a big part to play with the Valentinó family." He says running a hand through his brown hair while my eyes wided in shock. "Wait, you're the beta of the hybrid pack aren't you?"

"No, no not at all apart of the salvatore pack. Remeber clarity, we have to of each a king, queen, with there kingdom on the one other side then the huge pack on this side of the town."

"You k-know i always get c-confused with this." I laughed as i could hear the bell ring making me pout. "Stay for lunch?" He asked while i nodded happily.

Everyone began walking in one by one as i began to feel my anxiety kick in. Once everyone had game in i kept my eyes on the screen and speaking.

"So, back then i was in the kingdom.. now I'm here teacher you guys but i do still work as a beta over there."

"Still the salvatore pack rocks." A boy states as i roll my eyes shaking my head. That's when i began writing some lyrics. Some of the things i loved to do was sing, dance, bake, and use my powers.

That's when i haven't even noticed someone was sitting next to me. NEXT TO ME. The nerd. The fat girl.

"Your late.. new one..introduce yourself to the class?" Mr. Black asked while i looked up at the boy. He had a pitch black leather jacket, a white t-shirt and black jeans. His hair had been a light shade of brown.

"You should know me stephen.. come on pal." The boy chuckled that's when i sensed his accent.

He was the boy! The one who had helped me. Holy cow i was going to explode. There where a couple of seats open and he CHOSED ME? God dammit.

"Fine I'm Riccardo... Riccardo Valentinó." He finsihes while i know i wasn't the only one who had there eye balls poking out there sockets.

But wasn't it forbidden to move from a kingdom to a pack? Maybe there changing the rules again. This is all so confusing.

"He is so hot! I call dibs." I hear liliana say while i swore she was ontop of gio's di- donkey a few mintues ago.

"It's nice to see you again." He whispers in my hear while i close him out paying attention to the lesson as my anxiety began to rise. Last thing i need was the lights to start flicker or a book to fly in the air.

"Y-yep." I said under my breath paying attention to the lesson.

This is going to be along few mintues.

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