chapter 32; the birth of a tri-brid

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"I don't understand how can... it's just so different you know?" Clarity rambled whilst trying her best to walk in heels.

"On the contrary Clarity I do understand." Alessandro scoffed rolling his eyes while Clarity turned around squinting her eyes at him.

"Don't give me that bloody look."

"Fine, but do tell me. Why haven't you find your mate?" Clarity asked while he gulped.

"I'm not sure, I wish I knew...therefore I would have been married at this point." Alessandro chuckled while Clarity arched a brow.

"I mean, different kingdoms are coming to my coronation next month.. you might just find your mate."

Alessandro kept a soft hope in his heart as Clarity groaned feeling liquid trail from her legs.

"ALESSANDRO OH MY... I peed myself!" Clarity blurted while the brothers eyes went wide.

"No no no Clarity you are giving birth." He said as the girl sighed taking deep breaths in and out.


"Deep breaths , okay... you got this love." Stephen said as Matteo and Giovanni glared at him. "Permission to.. you know." Stephen said as the twins looked at each other then nodded.

"I can't stand watching this." Diana mumbled as she grabbed onto Clarity's hand who had been with frightened to the core.

"One two and three.. push!" Stephen exclaimed as Alessandro covered Cassandra's eyes who peaked a little then quickly tightened the grip of Alessandro's hand.

Clarity groaned and yelled as she pushed feeling green vines burst from her hands wrapping around his wrists as the first baby came out.

The vines then disappeared as Diana quickly observed the nurses following them for certain reasons.

The girl continued pushing as fire bursted from her hands, the next baby came out as the flames disappeared.

The two former kings ran into the room as Clarity screamed louder, the ground shaking whilst a huge thunder storm started.

The girl screamed as Matteo and Giovanni aid her with support.

Her eyes widened as they turned from her original hazel colored ones, to bright yellow them blood red.

The twins look at each other with confusion as sharp fangs penetrated from her gums.

And then finally, the last child came out as everything came to a halt.

Clarity passed out as Stephen treated her with many things.

The twins walked out with the third child as Cassandra and Alessandro aided Stephen with clarity.

"I... I'm so confused. So many.. things going on at once." Matteo mumbled walking back into the hospital room.

"Angela.. the first one born, Antonio, then Angelo... they all have different powers." Stephen explained as Cassandra started puzzling everything together.

"Angela, the first born is the second strongest she has the element to manipulate nature, things of storms, flowers, animals, anything related to earth... as it seems she isn't a werewolf or vampire. Antonio is the third strongest, he had fire.. the hellhound that was stuck inside of Clarity carried to him. Then there's Angelo, tho he was born last he was the most painful, he has the most power. When Clarity was giving birth to him she fully turned into a pure blood hybrid. Meaning the last two elements left in her had been ice and wind. Though Angela has the upper hand not only does Angelo has those two elements but I sense that he has pureblood in him to..."

"What are you saying Cassandra." Giovanni blurted as he held his only daughter.

"I'm saying the Angelo is a beast. A beast mixed with all four dangerous and most popular creatures. He is part vampire, part werewolf, and party hellhound.. he will be the most difficult. His blood is tainted with poison only Clarity, Giovanni, and Matteo are not effect by it."

"How do you know such knowledge sister?" Alessandro said as Clarity slowly started gaining conscious.

"I do a lot of reading..."

"Hey, hey.. relax." Matteo said as Clarity cracking her back easily getting up from the bed.

"You need rest amour." Giovanni said as the seventeen year old glared at him.

"I feel fine, I gave birth I feel healed quickly where are my children?"

"There in the room with there grandparents." Alessandro said while Cassandra looked at Clarity.

"Clarity, are you aware what you are?"

"Honestly, I have no idea. After giving birth I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from me." She said while maids had entered the room with clothing.

Clarity began changing not caring that anyone had been in the room she felt very different for some reason.

But in a good way.


Cassandra explained everything to clarity while she took it pretty well. She would have to cope with drinking blood, burning things and claws but overall she felt great.

"Angela, she looks just like you." Diana said as Clarity entered the room with tears streaming down her face.

"Antonio.. has the looks of me and Matteo." Aaron said looking at his son chuckling as Matteo for the first time gave a full smile.

"Angelo looks just like me and gio." Diego laughed as Giovanni held his son.

Clarity slowly walked to her daughter as she picked her up from Diana's arms.

A tear landed on Angela as the baby slowly started to wiggle around, her eyes trying to open.

Then Clarity saw them, her beautiful green orbs that where the color of green leaves.

"She's so beautiful." Clarity sobbed while the Angela wiggles around her mothers arms.

"Indeed, but Clarity know, that the children grow up twice as much until they hit the age of ten. For example when she turns 'one' she'll actually be two same with the others."

Diego explained while Clarity nodded then switching off to Antonio who also had his eyes closed, Clarity let her tears fall onto his pale body as she smiled seeing his bright yellow eyes, that then turned crystal blue.

"My... lord... he's so handsome." Clarity laughed while Matteo and Giovanni high five.

Lastly Clarity used the last few tears she had and stood astonished seeing Angelo's eyes turn a bright beautiful ruby red but they didn't change at all.

"Unique.. is what Angelo will be. I can just see it."


"Mother... we need to attack! That that.. girl stole my man.. those should have been my kids!"

"Relax.. we will attack the day of the coronation... with Ricardo's body with us.. we will be unstoppable."

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