Chapter 16 : Period blood

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Song : wolf by losco

"I missed you so much princess." The dark voice called out while I stood strapped in a wooden chair trying to get out of it. "L-let me go!" I grunted while a dark chuckled echoed threw the dark room.

"Tell me were you are." He growled while i then knew who voice it was. I gasped looking at my stomach which still had it's small bump. I sighed in reliefe, the dream felt so real but i knew it wasn't for the fact that i couldn't see anything but darkness. I was stuck in a chair with ropes around me. That's all i know.

"N-no.. i-i will not! Let me go you coward." I spat while the voice chuckled darkly, his voice boomed threw out the darkness which made a shiver run down my spine. I began to thrash around in pain hoping somehow i will wake up soon.

That's when i felt a harsh sting near the other side of my neck making me scream out loud in pain. I could feel raindrops form in my eyes. I looked at myself seeing me only in my underware. I saw blood drip from the wound i was feeling. I looked to where the blood was dripping from then seeing a 'X'.

"I'll find you soon enough." He growled while i then knew who it was. Giovanni. He was the one here with me right now. A witch must have been helping him out, his mother or some other person.

I screamed again as i then stood up from my bed the lights shattering. Stephen was right next to me as if he was trying to wake me up for a while now.

As then, the three brothers appared in the room. May i dare say all of them were shirt-less? I need help.

I looked at them through my my hair while i felt myself grow cold. I was in bra's and panties. Like i said i need help. I covered myself quickly with the blankets.

"What the bloody hell happened!?" Riccardo groaned looking around the room while his eyes laid on the shirtless Stephen. I stood seated on the headboard of my bed. No hell was i scared but i couldn't even speak.

"He asked you a question uncle." Matteo snarled in pure jealousy while i felt some wet subtance coming from somewhere... I looked up at all three of them to see there eyes turn bright red in hunger.


I gasped my eyes widening while i just knew where the blood was coming from. "Lady cycle." I snarled my cheeks heating up in embarrassment. Why now? Why me?

They all stood there as if they wanted to eat me alive. I felt disgusted while i saw there mother come in the room laughing. At least the elders can keep in there hunger.

But my question is how? Period blood smells horrible in my opinon, in general. Just plain horrible.

"Sweet-heart, come with me. We'll get you cleaned up. You four, have some respect." The hybrid mother, Diana Valentinó said while i felt honered. Her? The queen? Everyone knows her and her story.

I bit him lip wrapping the towel around my body. Matteo was still holding himself down, Riccardo was barley even able to keep himself under control. Alessandro was blood-lusting but only his eyes showed.

I followed Diana as i stood in my tracks knowing what would happen when i left that i room. "Me and him did nothing, hear my heartbeat whatever. I would have loved to be i didn't." I grinned while i could see Stephen quickly speed out the room.

Before i could see anyones reaction i was already on the bridge of blood leaking down my legs.

"It's okay, every girl goes through this. Even us supernatural creatures.. but i take advantage of this to get what i want." Diana said while i my head prossed what she said.

That's when my eyes widen in realization. "They get something, and so do i." She chuckled while i bursted out laughing. She was dominate for sure, without a doubt. Her tricks where crazy and managed to make me forget about everything.

I missed being able to talk to someone the same gender. I thought of Gloria. She might be freaking out by now.

- few moments later -

I bathed in a huge bubble bath. Might i say it was REALLY relaxing which was a plus. Diana provided me with some pads and chocolate which made my anger cool down a little bit.

I was able to borrow a dress that made me semi-werid. It was most defiantly not my style at all. It was a very tight black lace dress. I went bare footrd cause boo boo i will fall on my butt with the heels i was provided.

It was now noon. I slept for that long? The dream woked me up when i looked at my chest seeing two x's next to each other. I gulped while the two marks was most defiantly visable.

"Knock knock." I hear while i looked at my mirror seeing Stephen stand there with a now red and black tux. Finally something not black and white.

I smiled seeing him there while i began fixing my hair in wet curls putting a tiny bit of make-up.

I got up putting flats on while i could tell he felt uncomfortable. Stupid period.

"Hey, Matteo sent me here. Dinner is starting." I furrowed my eyes in confusion while the clock read 12:50.

"Time is different here, right now it's 6: 23. Another thing, this is just for your safety.. Crystal is out there and she is a very power witch." Stephen warned me while i felt a harsh pang hit my chest.

Everyone thinks i am a little girl with no powers. Did they not see me destroy her yesterday? I rolled my eyes annoyed while my little baby dunp was visible but at this point i didn't care who knew. I was sick and tired of people treating me like a kid. It was time to put my big girl pants on and rise up.

"Whatever." I said walking out the room not bothering to bring him down as a partner. Maybe independent was the right choice.

I walked down the stairs straighting myself while i walked down. I headed into the dining room which was guarded by another flight of stairs.

I'm a pregnant lady. I need elevators thank you very much. Everyone had been standing up making myself mentally prepared to barge into a dinner that I'm late for.

I could see Matteo start to grow mad as at this point i didn't care. I took a seat between Riccardo and Alessandro.

"Please stand clarity."

"Stand up my ass."

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