Chapter 3 :: Hugs

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"I-it tastes good right?" I asked watching Riccardo stuff his face with some of the rice, beans, and chicken i cooked. "Yes, AMAZING. I always have maids cook for me and it's boring just having fancy steak and werid crap."

"T-thank y-you." I say as i began washing dishes. "If you don't mind me asking, why do you stutter love?" He asks as i gulped closing my eyes tightly then re-opening them.

"I-i don't k-know even if i try too, i can't s-say a sentence without s-stuttering." I respond finishing cleaning up while he stood at the counter just staring at me.

I hope i don't have pimples on me, or even worse food on my face. "Hmm.." He says while i look at him in confusion.

"W-why are y-you here? And not at the kingdom? There being a mundane side and a supernatural side."

"Well, simply because my buttface of a brother, matteo can't take 'imature people in his kingdom' i swear ever since he had knew his twin was taken at birth he changed." Riccardo says looking down as i bit my lip never knowing much about the orignals.

They were the most powerful people in the hole supernatural comminty. They have a sister, and and 3 brothers. As far as i know all of them are originals. The first hybrids to be alive.

Well technically the queen was the first original hybrid. Then she turned her mates. Yes MATES. THE GIRL HAD TWINS. But, my mother had twin mates also yet she ended up being with her second chance. Only the wolf creatures and vampires had mates.

"Interesting." I say while he looked into my eyes as i look back at his light brown ones. "W-what?" I asked as he walked towards me making my heart start to race.

"Nothing, your just so damn beautiful." Riccardo says while i blush again a small toothless smile printing on my lips. "D-don't you have a mate?" I say while i could see a flash of pain flood in his eyes.

"She, rejected me then about 453 years after that my second chance rejected me also." He said biting his lip while i looked up at him feeling bad for him. I already knew my mate was going to reject me. I mean look at me I'm a huge grape.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as i then noticed we were so close together that are chests were touching. wtf . I met him today and i was going to give him my first kiss?

"It's not your fault. I don't believe in true love." He said shrugging his shoulders smiling softly. I look a through the window as i yawned seeing the moon start to rise.

"D-do you need a p-place t-to stay?" I asked while he nodded eagrly. "I know we just met today, but i could use it. I promise I'll leave as soon as i am on my feet."

"Hey, d-don't worrt about i-it .... it gets lonely in this huge place." I said while he chuckled making me clap my hands. "I'm tired and want to g-go to bed." I sigh moving from are little embrace as i began to walk up the marble stairs. "S-silly! Are you coming?" I asked while i could tell he was staring at something on my back making me feel a bit confused.

"Already up here!" He says while i see he wasn't there looking up. "Y-you cheater!" I exclaimed running up the stairs panting. Fat girls don't run. Not at all.

"Hey, don't be like that, neonata." Riccardo chuckles while i arched a brow at him confused. What does neOnAtA mean?

"Riccardo. W-what does neon-ata mean?" I asked trying to pronounce it. "It means babygirl in italian." He says while i laughed. "I'm a girl no a baby."

"Your so innocent Clarity, so so innocent."

"F-fine. Anyways you can take the second master room." I said walking to the massive room while his eyes widened in curiosity. "It's beautiful." He mumbles while I nodded yawning a bit. "I need to hit the hay. Night night, the bathroom is right there." I say oblivious to what i just did. I didn't stutter. I SAID SOMETHING WITHOUT BEING SHOOK.

"Hmm, and i can see you got confortable with me rather quickly." He winked as i rolled my eyes smiling. "I said SOMETHING without stuttering the only person i don't stutter with is my parents AND STEPHEN!" I clapped while i quickly hug riccardo tightly while i could feel him tense

"I-i'm sorry i didn't mean to touc-" As i was about to finish my stuttering mess he cut me off.

"No one has hugged me anyway like that except my sister , and mother." He said smiling while i could feel his arms wrap around my waist.

"Okay." I whisper while i could feel like o could melt at his smooth touch. I mean my warm skin and his cold one. It felt good.

I let go while i could see him pout a little. "Night." I finally say turning around walking out the door while i could feel his eyes pierce my back. Again.


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