Chapter 17 : Chick Fight

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I gasped covering my mouth standing up quickly not wanting to get in anymore trouble then i was. I just- oh no no nooo.

Matteo was by this time fumming which made some form of a smile apper on my face. "Very well, now as always we feed off of are mates.. but some of us don't have them quite yet." Alessondro said bowing his head as did the rest of them but me?

Oh no no no hunny i was looking straight at the juicy looking cheese pizza infront of me. There was also steak, chicken, corn, ect. But i wanted the most important meal.


I bit my lip licking my lips while as then i saw a lady or guy standing by the unmated males making me roll my eyes. Such a shame tsk tsk tsk.

"We may now begin eating." Matteo finished off biting into the waiters wrist. I grabbed a slice of pizza my mouth watering while i took a huge bite moaning at the taste.

No one could really hear me except Alessandro and Riccardo but they did nothing but laugh at my messy eating. I wasn't embarrassed. I wasn't mad. I wasn't sad.

I was hungry.

"Slow down there, don't want to bombard the baby with you fatness." I hear the familar sweaky voice say a few seats from me.

I then remebered it was the girl that i absolutely destroyed the other day. I groaned not feeling her negativity today.

"Watch it Crystal." Matteo growled while i could see her from the distant roll ger eyes twirling her brown hair. "Watch out for her diet plan! Oh ofcourse my good king." She said with a smirk on her face.

I looked at everyone else but i could see Diana getting ready to punch the living lipsticks out of her. "Enough Crystal." Ricardo said as I could feel someone's hand rub against mine. I looked at Alessondro smiling feeling some bit of comfortable at his touch.

After that she didn't say much but I enjoyed my pizza let and right. I ate the hole tray pretty much. "If she eats anymore she'll be more fatter than she already is." She said with a bright smile while from afar i could see broccoli in her teetg.

"Enough for the final time Crystal." Diana stepped in while the brunette growled. I smirked wiping my mouth taking a sip of mine water while everyone else had wine.

"Enough of her eating all of the pizza. Like girl, your fat enough with the baby and all."

I this rate i had enough of it. I was not going to use any powers at all. Say nothing.

I stood up streching as she was too busy giggling to see me standing behind her. No one said a think when i stood there it's like they were waiting for me to do something.

I smirked pulling her hair to hear a scream come from her mouth as i dragged her from the chair making her slip onto the floor. "Hey i needed you hair to wipe the floor not you." I stated as she began crying. She laid on the floor.

No one bothered to help her.
But i know i could see a chuckle escape Matteo's lip.

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