Chapter 18: First Kill

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I walked through the halls curious on what types of other things had been in the hall ways while I saw Crystal stutting towards me making me roll my eyes.

"Hey baribe!" I said with a fake smile while she raised her hand throwing me into the wall while i could feel the impact right on my back. I groaned quickly standing up wiping off the dust.

I am in a house of vampires and no one hears this bullcrap? Honestly it's just so stupid. I just want to leave, and when I'm done showing this girl a lesson.

She gasped while she began chanting something while i gulped seeing fire spread around me in a circle while i stood there worried. My heart began racing while i could see her eyes widen. She wasn't doing this.

I saw the fire spread while i could see someone enter the room. "Hellhound." I somehow heard Crystal said while it spreaded more making me scream. Once again the lights shattered making the loud sound echo.

For some reason i felt like i wasn't in control of my body anymore. Why? I have no damn idea.

I saw with my own eyes her body levitating in the air while i began to panick. It's like someone has taken over me. "P-please l-let m-me g-go." She pleaded while she stood right above me.

As then i could feel the fire go close to me but it didn't have no effect on me. What was going on?

I began sobbing while i could see somethint dig into her chest. I gasped then seeing her white dress to instantly red in a matter of seconds.

Her blood dripped on me while i looked down seeing her heart dead on the floor. I felt myself gain control while everything came to a complete stop.

The fire was gone and i was left with a heart in my hands. "Oh my god." I gasped looking at the dead body that was Crystal's. "N-no Crystal!" Riccardo said bursting through the doors while he looked at her now dysfunctional body.

I bit my lip while his cold eyes looked straight at me. "You little selfish prick. You killed her! You were jealous and this is how you pay her back huh? You are a slut." He growled while i let every word hit me like a truck. My heart broke into two while i stood up looking around to see them two only.

I cried wiping my face for only blood to wipe all over my fingers. "Leave!" Riccardo roared while i quickly ran out the room. I ran and ran feeling the bloody trickle down my cheeks.

"Hey, hey, hey what's going on?" Stephen asked getting infront of me while i punched his chest crying. "I killed Crystal, Riccardo told me to leave. I need to wake up. Please tell me this is a dream!" I said while my hands left red prints on his chest.

"Shh shh, this is no dream Clarity." He said holding her while she pushed him off. "No no! Wake me up this can't be real. I don't want it to be!" I said pulling on his shirt.

I was going insane.

I then did what i needed to do. I used my powers to push him to a vase while i ran out to the two huge door to only see them close. "No! No! No! Let me out. I WANNA FEEL THE SUN!" I sobbed my powers even trying to open but nothing was working.

I then felt two cold arms grab my arms making me scream kicking harshly. "LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE. i-i need to go." I said while i then noticed the heavy scent of cologne on him. "Hush princessà." I hear him whisper while i stood a bit calm but as he guided me out the door i just went harder and harder.

"WAKE ME UP! WON'T YOU WAKE ME UP? CAUGHT IN THIS BAD DREAM. I WANNA FEEL THE SUN." I shouted while I thrashed, kicked, scream and even tried to use my powers to push him.

But nothing happened.

"Shh, go to sleep." Matteo said while I had no more tears left and my mind came to a realization that i wasn't in a dream.

I killed Crystal.

And i enjoyed it

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