Chapter 21 : Giovanni's Rage

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Song : Freak by lana del rey

"Oh no no no." I said hearing Giovanni's voice bonce off the walls. "Alpha Gio? Why do you fear the man, I've heard really amazing stories about him. Clairty he is the father to your kids after all." My mother stated while I shook my head but before i could finish what i said Gio came into the living room with a white t-shirt, a black leather jacket and deniem jeans.

He looks hot.

No no no, i can't have thought like that, he haunted me in my dreams on purpose. He knows Corrina will rule the thrown and I know then I WILL HAVE TO go to that damn coronation.

Hell would erupt that day. "Ah, you must me Queen Kiara. I love your work." Giovanni greated while a soft grin while i could feel my skin crawl in fear.

I don't know why but he was like my own Freddy Krueger. He appered in my dreams through a witch and made that X mark. "Yes, indeed. Congratulations." Mom spoke referring to the twins inside me while i stood off to the side.

"Haha, nice of you to stop by Gio but i need more time with my mother." I said nervously while i could see his eyes turn dark with a tint of anger.

"No, honey spend time with him. I have to go see Corrina anyways." She said while I tilted my head looking at her with hurt. All the things i said went one ear and out the other.

She didn't even care that her own flesh and blood hurt her own daughter. It was like multiple shards of glass hit my chest while she kissed my cheek and gave Gio a hug.

Once the door closed I was the mother in the room breaking down. I screamed in anger slamming all the glass vases on the ground completely smashing every thing in the room.

I was so caught up in my temper tantrum that i didn't even know Gio was destroying things also. I grabbed a baseball bat completely destroying the tv feeling some sort of weight bring lifted off my shoulders.

"Now, are we done completely destroying this living room?" Giovanni asked as I sharply turned to him. I looked at him my fear quickly coming back while he had studied his features very slowly. He did after all have VERY similar features to Matteo except all the tattoos.

"Y-yes i am now what do YOU want?" I asked crossing my shoulders throwing the bat harshly across the room. "You." He smirked while I started backing up in fear.

"Me? Why not Corrina or Liliana.. or even freaking Crystal." I spat now stopping in my tracks while he looked at me with a arched brow. "You know Crystal?" He asked while i grinned.

"Yep, i killed her yesterday also." I said simply waiting for a reactiom but nothing happened it looked like his face was filled with...


"Hmmm, following in Daddy's footsteps?" He asked while I don't remeber my dad killing anyone what's so ever. At least my dad had understood me. He believed the things i told him. Corrina was always a mommy's girl and i was a daddy's girl.

"Daddy?" I asked with a paused confused. "I mean I've killed many people before." He smirked while his arms snaked around my waist making my heart-beat increase.

"But your.. not my father Gio." I stated whilw he chuckled darkly. "It's a kink."

"YOU NASTY SON OF A. NOPE NEVER EVER NOPE NOPE. YOU ARE NOT MY FATHER! I WON'T CALL YOU DADDY... NEVER." I said shaking my head finally coming to a realization but for some reason what I just shouted felt like a lie.

"Hmm, okay then now.. tell me how was your stay at the castel?" He asked sitting down on the couch while i bit my lip running a hand through my hair.

"Come here." He said noticing my nervous movements while I shook my head. "No."

"Come here now clarity."


"GOD DAMMIT I SAID OVER HERE IMEDENTLY!" Giovanni said with so much dominance it made me feel worth-less.

I gulped slowly walking towards him for him to grab my wrist pulling me on his lap.

"Now tell... daddy, what went on at the kingdom."

"You have another thing coming if you dare touch her like that again, brother."

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