Chapter 10 : Baby

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"Gloria i-i can't." I said beginning to cry while she rubbed my back while i bit my lip. "Yes you can niña! You can raise this baby..." She said while i gulped looking at my stomach then her.


"But nothing. The first step is telling your mother and father.. then telling.. the father." She said while i gulped harshly. Giovanni a father to my baby? Oh no no no. This can't be happening.

"I don't know how to be a mother gloria.." I said while she shook her head. "You can learn my love. Please keep the baby, i don't want you to do something you'll regret."

"I know Gloria, it's, work.. telling him." I said running a hand through my hair wiping off my tears. "Who is the baby daddy princessa?" She asked while i sighed. "Alpha Salvatore." I growled at his name while I couldn't believe what Riccardo was going to think if he found out.

Her eyes went wide while i looked down at my sneakers. "Your a lucky girl Clarity. Now... I'll make you a doctor's appointment." Gloria said while i nodded heading upstairs feeling a nervous pit inside my stomach. God, I'm pregnant.

I went into my room picking out a outfit for tomorrow feeling a bleh. I put on a more usual t-shirt and some skinny jeans. No more sweat-pants. Well maybe. Depends on how the baby wants to work.

I laid down looking at the ceiling my mind filled with thoughts. Will the baby become a werewolf? Or will it have the powers i have.

Gosh. Why today.. why me?


I wake up my eyes flying open while i RAN you heard right RAN for the first time in forever to the bathroom throwing up inside the toliet. I sighed looking at my big boobs. I hated having big things on my body.

Butt. Boobs. Stomach. All of it. I growled brushing my teeth taking a warm shower. I looked at my stomach seeing it grow a tiny bit. Not alot but a tiny bit. Or maybe it's just me.

I put on a push up bra for the first time of my puberty life putting on a simple pair of black underware. I grabbed my shirt slipping it on then the skinny jeans.

I put my hair in curls using a bit of moose. My hair was pretty easy. You can blow dry it and flat iron it which is a plus. I actually decided to put on some hoops that where about a size of a dollar quarter.

I sighed knowing i will have alot of glares due to the chaos i caused two days ago. But hey i at least have some confidence to ignore it. Hopefully.

I eat the food Gloria made me while she had been no where to be seen. Maybe she went out for a bit.

I grabbed my keys to my dad's motorcycle. I knew how to drive one i just thought walking was easier. I also grabbed a leather jacket, leaving the house.


I got off the "bike" while i got stares, glares, and dirty looks from students making me a bit self conscious on what i was getting myself into.

I went into my locker grabbing my books missing Riccardo. He held my things, always stuck up for me. And now he is gone. Poof. I took out my books slamming the locker shut turning around seeing Corrina right infront of me.

"Hey, sissy." She growled while i rolled my eyes walking away but before i could i felt her hellhound nails sink into my arm making me groan.

"What do you want." I snarled while she look takend back from my expression. "So, your not a werewolf.. and once you threw me and Liliana like off the stange. So what are you?"

"I don't know." I said taking my wrist from her as continued walking untill Liliana appered infront of me. "Corrina wasn't finished." She said pushing me while i bumped into Corrina making her push me harshly into the lockers.

I breathed in and out. But the real question i was asking myself was 'why am i not stuttering or crying'?

I stood up while i could then feel a stinging sensation on my left cheek making my head swerve to the right. I held my cheek looking at my own flesh and blood.

Even before i knew it i dropped all my things on the floor sending a hard punch to her jaw sending Corrina flying to the wall.

Everyone began to form a circle while i gasped grabbing my things quickly running out of the hallways into Mr. Blacks class seeing him quickly turn to me in amazement.

"Did someone hit you?" He asked while i quickly locked the classroom down pulling the blinds down with my powers.

"S-stephen, I'm pregnant. I-i just threw are hard punch at Corrina. I don't know what's going on with me." I rushed out while i could see some type of hurt expression appear on his face making me start crying.

"Hey hey calm down." He said looking into my eyes cupping both of my cheeks. "Who's the father?"

"Giovanni.. Salvatore.." I said biting my lip harshly while his eges went wide in amazement.

"Him!?" He exclaimed while i looked down in embarrassment. "I-i was drunk and we just had it and boom a day later.. I'm vomiting and having my boobs go sore!"

"Okay, don't worry. It will hurt the baby." Stephen said while i gulped staring into his brown orbs shaking my head in agreement. "Maybe adoption..." I said while he shook his head no.

"Giovanni would like to know that he is having a son or daughter."

"I know.. i just don't know when i am going to tell my parent's or even him."

"Well it's time to wake up and smell the vampire blood, because i know something and that baby is speical."

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