Chapter 4 :: Kiss?

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- Next Morning -

"Morning love." Riccardo said while i jumped in suprise seeing him stand there shirt-less with a coffee cup in his hand. I hAve nO wOrds.

"H-hi." I said everting my eyes from him wipping the drool from the side of my mouth. "Coffee?" He asked while i nodded my head. I am not use to people in my house, hell i wasn't even sure he was awake. Hence why i just have shorts and a t-shirt on but don't worry i had underware.

"So, your a early bird." I say now knowing i don't have to be so nervous with him. "I get that alot. But i need to ask you something."

"Shoot." I say mixing the sugar into my coffee. "What are you?" He asked arching a brow. "I can't smell a scent from you."

"I-i-.. promise not to tell anyone?" I asked while he came close to me. Holy mother of chicken and beans. He had abs.

"I promise." He said holding his pinky up as i inhooked mine with his.

I concentrated on the radio while i turned it on. I made the lights start to flicker while he looked around in confusion. I began to lift up books smiling, lighting candels. "Woah."

"I know!" I laughed then stopping everything looking at him again. "So, you can like move things with your mind?" He asked as i nodded drinking my coffee. "School starts in and hour, i have some of my dad's clothes you can use." I say picking my cup up walking upstairs while he followed behind.

I could feel his eyes boring into something behind me. My back rolls maybe? Shook man shook.

I walked into the guess room looking at the many leather jackets my father had got himself shaking my head. "Hmmm, you have the bad boy style. So leather jacket, white shirt , and black jeans. Also sneakers but no one pays attention to your feet." I said while he looked at me then the clothes chuckling.

"It's like your my wife." He jokes while my eyes widen. I felt my cheeks go warm while i stood there shocked. That's when he began to remove his sweat-pants showing well, my dad's boxers?

"Wait, you alread been here?" I asked crossing my arms closing my eyes. "I mean i wake up early, so i looked around. By the way nice underware." He winked as i levatated a book to snack his head. "Tsk tsk tsk tsk." I laughed leaving the room jogging to mine.

I felt, well more confident with him. I don't know if it's just me but i do. Aftef taking a quick shower i slip on my bra and underware looking at my closet sighing.

I went to my draws taking out black sweat pants and a shirt. "No no no . You picked out my outfit i pick out yours." I hear Riccardo say making me jump covering my self mostly my stomach.

"RICCARDO!" I growl grabbing a towel turning around seeing him roll his eyes. "No! I don't want to wear those outfits." I exclaim while i pulled up up calvin Kline "bootyshorts" i don't even know.

"Why not, your butt will look nice in these." He said picking out a pair of skinny jeans, fresh and new. I sighed dropping the towel grabbing the jeans slipping them on.

They fit like a glove as i slipped a belt on. "A shirt." I said while he arched a brow. "What? Come on your boobs look nice in that bra."

"Oh my gosh just pick a shirt your pedo!" I snarled while he chuckled picking out a loose white crop-top making me shake my head.

"I-i will look fat in that i don't want to wear it." I gulped while i put the shirt down. "Hey, you are beautiful and sexy as ever. You have a nice dearie, boobs, thighs, and curves. Heck me and you could make-"

"Give me the shirt.'' I stopped him from saying anything else while he picked it up from the bed handing it to me. "I look-"

"Beautiful." Riccardo finishes while i blushed looking at the mirror as he sat on my bed. "Second day, i met you your making me nervous, almost took my first kiss, living with me, now dressing me." I said brushing my hair while he smirked looking at me through the mirror.

"Hmmm, keeping tabs on me, neonata?"

"Nope, just sayin'." I replied while i just left my hair in waves. I never apply make-up only when my mom forced me too since special occasions.

"Don't put it on." He said walking towards me making my heart start beating quickly. "W-why?" I asked biting my lip while his hand caressed my cheek unhooking my teeth from my bottom lip.

"Because, you look even more beautiful without it." He whispers as he began to lean in. But so did i. I wasn't complaining he's a nice guy. I just met him yesterday. Haha. I'm sooo smart. Not.

That's when i wasn't expecting him to kiss my forehead.

"Thank you riccardo." I smile while he looked into my eyes nodding. "Now let's go before where late." He said while i looked at the time gasping. "NO NO NO WHERE LATE." I said grabbing my backpack. "You know how to drive a motorcycle right?" I asked puttung on a pair of flats as he nodded.

"Do i look like i would ride in a 4 seater car?" He chuckled while i shrugged grabbing my coffee drinking the rest of it.


"OVER HERE DUMMY!" I yelled while Riccardo had been walking in a different direction. He speeded towards me while i sighed walking into Mr. Black's classroom.

"Your late again." He sighed turning to him while he then looked at me his eyes widened so had everyone else. "I-im so sorry Mr. Black i swear it won't happen again."

"Yeah what she said." Riccardo said mocking me while i kicked his leg.

"Fine sit down."

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