chapter 31 ; how deep is your love?

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My legs hurt. Like hell. My body was the definition of numb. Every single thing either throbbed in pain or felt numb.

But the amount of pleasure I felt yesterday was unbearable. It's like, I was on cloud 9 but little did I know I would be this sore the next day.

I groaned feeling crushed in between the two men. My backside was towards Matteo while I had been facing an adorable Giovanni.

My thoughts had changed from before. Maybe I am in love with them both. My feelings for anyone else has left and it's like I only wanted them.

This is what the mating process does to you, it makes you feel attached to your mate. More attached than ever.

Especially when there carrying your child.

Both of them had been sleeping but I was wide awake feeling the sting coming from my neck.

It hurts A LOT. I had love bite, kisses, marks all over my neck, thighs, inner thighs.. and ya know.

I moved around trying to get up to only have Matteo wrap his arm tightly around my half bruised waist.

I needed to be more careful.

"Keep moving like that and we will go for the 6th round."

No no nope. I stopped moving to feel him chuckle making me groan.

"I want to get up."

"No, you don't. You want to stay in bed with us."

I rolled my eyes sighing giving up.

After 5 minutes I couldn't take being in a room starving for food.

I leaned against the headboard of the bed before slowly getting on all fours crawling out of the bed.

I whined feeling my legs almost give up on me as I tried to stand up.

"Look like someone is having major trouble trying to stand up." Giovanni chuckled as Matteo lifted his head up from the pillows looking towards me.

It didn't help that I was completely naked. I sighed grabbing a robe putting it on. "I need a shower. A bubble bath in fact... everything hurts."

Giovanni and Matteo both got up also as they also grabbed robes. "Well, time to shower," Giovanni smirked picking me up bridal style making me groan in pain.

Matteo opened the bathroom door getting the tub ready while Giovanni put me down.

"Undress," Matteo growled as I scoffed walking into the tub then taking off my robe throwing it aside sitting down in the now bubble filled bath.

Gio and Matteo did the same joining me as I first washed Matteo's hair, Giovanni washing mine.

Later on, I washed Giovanni's hair as Matteo placed soap on me.

It wasn't rushed, it felt good, smooth not rough like yesterday.

Don't get me wrong I LOVED it, but they were rough.. and.. yeah.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked putting on a simple pair of mom jeans and a white shirt.

Giovanni and Matteo wore tuxedos as always but me, after yesterday/today. I needed a break from tight/poofy ball gowns.

"If I'm being honest, I don't know," Giovanni said as Matteo chuckled.

"The plan is, for you to get trained as Queen.," Matteo said as he glared at Giovanni.

"I and you have business to attend to, I'll show you the ropes.. you'll also be crowned as king.. just like me. We will both have crowns."

"But that's not fair! I want to do business stuff. You guys are annoying."

"That's not what you were saying last night. I believe you said .."

"You Guys are amazing. I want more." Giovanni faked moan mocking me as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Princess, as of now you need to be trained," Matteo said as I scoffed shaking my head.

"Whatever," I growled. Matteo and Giovanni did the same, Gio slowly walked towards me as I took many steps back.

"I take that back, let's go." I sighed scooting towards the door opening it.

"Do that again and —"

"And what dearests?" I cut Matteo off as I spot Cassandra who practically saved me from getting you know what again.

"Saved by my sister. I never visioned me to ever say that in my life." Giovanni whispered as I chuckled walking out with the orange haired girl. She took me out to the garden as there had been buckets. One bucket had a fire, the next one had rocks, water, and flowers.

"I may be small but I know how to do a couple of things," Cassandra said as I chuckled grabbing a flower putting it in her hair. "Tell me, how was Ricardio to you?" I asked as her smile faded making me regret asking such a question, especially with his reconciliation arriving soon.

"He was my favorite brother. Though he had his ups and downs he really took care of me like I was his daughter. Now, when I see you and the twins I feel bad... When Ricardo left and came back all he had done was talk about you. He was truly a misunderstood soul."

I sighed grabbing her hand in mine. "I'm so sorry Cassandra, I promise to try my best to bring him back. You have my word." I stated as she smiled putting her hand on my tummy. I groaned as I felt one of the kids kick. "Ugh, leave mommy alone right now."

The little girl laughs as she helps me up, "Okay, the first thing I want you to do is you see that fire right there?" She asks as I nod in confusion.

"I want you to make it rise. Right now the fire is low in the bucket. But my theory is that you may hold the four elements..." She said while I looked at her impressed.

I walk up to the bucket feeling the heat than taking a few steps back, I look at the fire biting my lip as then in a flash the fire rises up creating a circle around me.

I gasp looking around while Cassandra grabbed a pair of sunglasses standing on a stool. "UM, I DID NOT EXPECT THIS! REMAIN CALM, COOL DOWN THE FIRE." I stood calmly as I breathed in and out blinking.

With that, the fire was gone.


"Isn't that delightful..."

"Indeed mother.... indeed."

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