Chapter 26: guilt

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SONG: the night we met.

"God Clarity.." Her father said giving her daughter a hug while I sobbed breaking down into tears blood all over my hands as I felt his arms wrap around me tightly.

"Dad we need to leave. I can't be here anymore." I said shaking my head rubbing my face while he looked at me with concern. "Why? What did you do?" He asked crossing his arms while i turned around to see a very huge black wolf with bright red eyes which could only mean it was Mateo.

My eyes widened in pure fear and my heart-beat had made fast movements very very quickly. "Dad." I whispered looking behind me to see no one. Was I dreaming? Was I going through something that I couldn't get rid off?

"RUN!" Alessandro exclaimed while my legs tried to run but they couldn't more what's so ever. But my body regained consciousness making me quickly run as fast as I could into the woods. I could hear heavy breathing behind me and footsteps just stomping.

But I couldn't do this anymore. I couldn't run and I had to understand that. My heart hurts and my body is aching I stopped right in my tracks then slowly turning around see a very man Matteo.

"Just kill me. I killed Ricardo and that's it. I can't change that Matteo. At this point my babies can't live with you trying to kill me every five seconds."

The wolf looked at me while I closed my eyes tightly opening them again seeing no one again.

Was I dreaming again? Who is doing this to me? It's as if my mind is playing tricks with me.

Did I really kill Riccardo? Or was it a dream.

But then it all came to me. I'm in a game of survival. Diego is in my head and I can't get him out. It's like everything is hitting me at once and it's way to much to handle.

It's a wild game that I have to survive, and if I don't then, I must die or WE must die.

I looked around once more seeing no one around. Just me and my thoughts.

'Where are you?' Giovanni said through mindlink while I blocked him out.

'I swear to my ancestors if you don't tell me I'll-' Matteo growled while I also blocked him out.

'Clarity.' Someone said while the voice was very familiar. Riccardo?

I quickly bit my lip harshly confused on what was actually going on. My mind didn't know what was going on and it was time i blocked everyone out.

So I did the same to the random voice. Blocking everyone in my head.

I looked at the ground while sliding on the tree a tear running down my cheek. Did I really kill Riccardo?

Did he really do what he did to me?

"Clarity." I heard someone whisper while I looked up to see Riccardo making me quickly get up hugging him tightly. "Please tell me I didn't kill you." I cried in his ear while he let go of me , grabbing my hands.

He began to slow dance with me making me confused my mind going through the memories of the day we had met. I started sobbing as I wish i didn't do what I did with Gio.

"Riccardo, please." I said biting my lip looking at him then seeing him slowly walk away from me making my scream. "Please, don't go." I exclaimed while he waved. "Wake up."

"Wake up clarity." He whispered while I closed my eyes rapidly. My mind drifted off while I felt myself magically falling into a comfortable bed.

I screamed waking up while I saw Riccardo standing next to me making me gasp getting up quickly to only see myself handcuffed to the headboard.

"Riccardo, I had a dream.. you left me... I killed you cause you did bad things to me." Clarity said while I closed and open my eyes again to see no one.

My heart broke into two. "No, no, please no." I cried biting my lip while i didn't see no one in the room but a picture of Riccardo.

"NO PLEASE!" I sobbed while my heart ached with pure pain and all I wanted was to see Riccardo. I don't care what he did but i killed the person he did the most to me.

Alessandro came inside the room while he had red eyes making me only break down harder . "Please don't tell me." I yelled while he nodded making me open my mouth wide.

I took the hand cuffs with my mind reading feeling the metal break . "I'm so sorry." I said with a shaky voice quickly hugging Alessandro as he hugged me back.

"I didn't mean to kill him." I said looking into the eyes of the man who's brother I had kissed. "Shh, Clarity just shh." He said while I could feel his tears on my skin.

"I want to die." Clarity screamed while she made the light flicker on and off. "Can we bring him back...?" I asked looking up at him.


My eyes went wide while I nodded staying into his arms sobbing till I had no tears left.

"I killed the man I loved."

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