Chapter 7 :: Prom

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Song : Comics by the caravan palace


"Babe! Stop please s-stop!" I giggled feeling him tickle me harshly. "No, nope no no no." Riccardo laughs shaking his head. It's been 5 mouths and the bullying yet continues but it honestly doesn't effect me anymore. Riccardo is the only boyfriend/best friend i had and will ever had cause most friends are fake.

"Come on let's go." He said kissing my cheek while i took my books from my lockers. "Hey, clarity. I need to talk to you." Giovanni stated. Me and him were on good terms to say the least. We would talk here and there but he does tells the girls so piss off. But i feel like there is something about gio. It's like he doesn't belong here. Who knows maybe he isn't even his real age.

"Alone." Gio finsihes while Riccardo rolled his eyes. Me and him had yet to kiss. I was scared. And ya girl smart like yeet you can't getting nothing till yo buttcheeks asks me to prom. Oh hell nAh.

"What?" I asked looking at him while he smiled at me. "Prom is coming up, are you taking him?" He asked as i knew 'him' was riccardo. "Yep." I answered simply closing my locker while i could see some type of pain flash through his eyes.

"Why ask?" I said. "Just curious..i don't have no date so yeah." He chuckled crossing his arms while i kinda felt bad for him for some odd reason. "Look i got an idea, you can come with me and Riccardo cause I feel BAD. Nothing else only as friends. This is going to be a challenge. Spy timeee." I said while he smirked leaving me without saying anything.


"No." Riccardo said walking towards me. Damn vampire hearing. "Pleasee i feel bad okay? Plus he hasn't said anything. I forgive and forget Riccardo pleaseee for mee?" I asked with puppy eyes. "Fine, but you have to walk in underware with this whole week." He smirked wrapping his arms around my waist while i shrugged. "Hmmm. Sounds.. exciting." I grinned while the bell rang as i jumped making him chuckle. "Sooo fragile." He said while i walked to class.


"Do we really have to go with him?" Riccardo groaned while I rolled my eyes once again taking my clothes off. I'm so used to taking my clothes off around him it's not even funny.

"Yes my loveee." I said slipping my dark furry red dress that hugged all my curves and stomach. Damn mOmma Is ThIcc. I looked at myself in the mirror feeling all those words lilianna said come in like a truck.

"You look hot in that." Riccardo said while those words all went down the drain quickly. "Thank you.. now you go dress." I smile a blush placed on my cheeks while he groaned walking out of the door.

I grabbed my black heals placing those on while i had a werid feeling. Something bad might happen today. But i brushed it all off wanting this to be a wonderful night.

I placed some make-up on taking my hair out if it's bun putting it in curls then walking to the mirror looking at myself. I actually think i look beautiful. No one will ruin today for me.

No one.

I walked out my bedroom while as if planned i saw both Gio and Riccardo in there black and white tuxedos as i began walking down the stairs. Deja vu? Oh hell no.

"Wow." They both gasped in usion while i gave them both a big toothy-smile. "You two look handsome." I said while they gave a death glare to one another.

I kissed Riccardo's cheek grabbing his hand. "Shall we go?" Giovanni asked while i rolled my eyes at his stubbornness. "Yes we shall you impatient fluck."

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