CS - Voltron (LD) - Road Trip

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Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Genre: ChickLit, Friendship, Romance, Slice of Life
Ships: Keith/Allura
Headcanons: None

I wrote this particular piece in response to @ChickLit 's eighth weekly prompt which involved a picture of a car. I like working with Allura because she is a strong female character and she's POC. I've also seen a few mentions of road trip stories and fanart for the fandom. My OTP for the fandom also involves Keith and Allura, because I like the dynamics between the two. Keith's not the perfect option for a romantic partner, so instead of relying on him because he's the perfect ideal, the relationship is more equal. This is about them finding that balance, but Keith coming to understand that Allura does reciprocate his feelings, when normally it is the female wondering.

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