CS - Voltron (LD) - Moon Princess (IP)

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Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Genre: Angst, Family, Friendship, Hurt-Comfort, New Adult, Psychological, Romance, Sci-Fi, Slice of Life, Space Opera, Suspense
Ships: Keith/Allura, Shiro/Allura (Shipped by Keith only), Keith's parents
Headcanons: Keith's mother isn't Galra, but Altean. Ryo is Keith's twin brother. Shiro is biologically Keith's brother. Keith is autistic.

I started this one for Kallura month - the month back in 2017, possibly the second one?

This story takes place after the war is done, and they've returned to Earth. Keith wants to push everyone away, but thinks Shiro and Allura are romantically interested in each other and doesn't want to get in the way, particularly since he knows he has feelings for the Altean princess.

Shiro is clueless, simply worrying about his younger brother - particularly Keith finding out truths - truths Shiro's hidden. He's oblivious to the fact Keith has a crush, but also not thinking about romance due to him worrying about Keith yet also his PTSD.

Allura on the other hand is worried about how to approach the person she managed to soul bond with, yet also knows something is wrong. She doesn't care that Keith is part Galra - or is he? Learning that an Altean sent a signal for help provides a nice distraction.

Keith is sent by Shiro to their grandparents place - his maternal grandparents place, where he runs into Ryo, but his world gets turned upside down in a painful manner just as Shiro expected it would be, yet he's also having to deal with the pain of unrequited feelings for Allura, but the feelings of not deserving her.

In the mean time, the Garrison team decides to take matters into their own hands as Shiro's behavior worries them, while Matt attempts to hide things from them to keep Shiro and Keith's private life actually private. Of course, others including those from the village the Shirogane family is from and even the media has other ideas.

The story also features flashbacks to the past, some of which involves Keith's parents.

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