A - Bleach - Bleach: Fanworks (IP)

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Fandom: Bleach
Genre: Parody/Satire, Slice of Life, Humor, Crack-Fic
Ships: There are a multitude of ships from my writers, but as for the canon characters I do lean towards Ichigo/Rukia, Gin/Matsumoto, Toshiro/Karin, plus the parents of characters, yet I'd prefer not to go that route.
Headcanon: I'm going to try and avoid the headcanon, but my one major headcanon which I've worked with a lot is Gin and Matsumoto being Toshiro's biological parents which eventually extended to Bambietta being his twin sister.

Each "chapter" is written by a character I created and then responded to by the other writers and the canon characters. The canon characters are also eventually drawn into writing their own stuff. This was actually the first attempt at a "fanworks" or a "fan work" series. The idea stemmed from the fact a good Mary Sue parody will allow the Mary Sue writer to laugh at themself, but I also wanted to break away from what had been done which was either the Mary Sue schools on how to not be one or straight on parody. Somehow, this was born.

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