C - DC: BM/BB - Bat Lemons

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Fandom: DC: Batman, Batman Beyond
Genre: Angst, Dark Comedy, Family, Friendship, Humor, Hurt-Comfort, Slice of Life, Teen Fiction
Ships: Nightwing/Huntress or Dick Grayson/Helena Wayne (also known as Helena Kyle and Mary McGinnis)
Headcanons: Terry's the son of Dick and grandson of Bruce rather than what's revealed in canon. What was revealed - let's just say Damien does it better, yet I can't throw away Terry's character just because of that. I'm also working for this one with the idea that Damien is against anyone other than Dick being Batman - well, except for Batman. The fate of Dick is actually open ended.

I wrote this particular story for the Fanfic's contest called Descendants. I knew this one wouldn't likely get picked as I honestly picked dangerous ground. Batman Beyond's not exactly a fandom DC fans are fond of, in part because of the last season, the movie featuring Joker, and the way it was concluded in the Justice League series. I wasn't either, yet that's where my head canon comes in. There were things I liked about the series.

Of course...

I changed the canon in a way which can be seen by some as sacrilege and a fan tantrum. I mean, I've got to admit I hate Terry's origin story, particularly when I found it unrealistic compared to Damien who has a similar origin story. I mean, come on! I'm writing fix-fic! Except, the headcanon I am working with is one I came up with before the origin reveal, and it's stuck, I loved it so much.

Dick's fate's also left unknown. It's one of those things I left open to tie into other works, to continue, or even inspire others to write something.

I also delved into Terry's life being super messed up, yet left his next generation story still messed up. Hence the title and the line about making lemonade out of lemons for this one.

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