CS - Voltron (LD) - Tattoo In the Sky (IP)

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Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Genre: Angst, Family, Friendship, Hurt-Comfort, Military, Psychological, Sci-Fi, Slice of Life, Space Opera, Suspense
Ships: Keith/Allura
Headcanons: Keith and Shiro are blood brothers, Keith and Ryo are twins, Keith is actually Altean, not Galra, Keith is autistic

When Shiro disappeared from the black lion, Keith found himself looking for the black paladin relentlessly. A month later, Keith senses that Shiro is on Earth and goes after him. Unfortunatly, Keith finds himself thrust back into the Shirogane political mess but also confronting the fact he is the black sheep of the Shirogane family.

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