A - Bleach - Shouniasha Taicho (Posting)

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Fandom: Bleach
Genre: Angst, ChickLit, Crime/Detective, Family, Friendship, Horror, Hurt-Comfort, Mystery, Psychological, Spiritual, Suspense
Ships: Outside of the one-sided relationships with the villainous OC which don't count, Gin/Ran, Hisagi/Soifon, Toshiro/Karin
Headcanons: Toshiro is the biological child of Gin/Ran
Notes: This story was co-written by another fanfic writer named EvilHumour because there were are practically no stories which delved into the sexual abuse of children in a manner which does the subject justice. CSA survivors are important to us, so we built this story around it. The OC is definitely a villain and rapist. Despite dealing with the subject of pedophilia, said story remains within Wattpad's guidelines by not having any actual sexual content with a person under the age of sixteen in the actual story and instead simply implies the act occurred. There's also mentions of a miscarriage in the story which occurs again primarily off screen.

I've not yet finished posting this, or the sequel which isn't finished. I found writing the piece to be therapy I honestly needed due to some events occurring in my own childhood.

The story follows the journey of replacing Gin and the other captains, only to run folly by bringing back a person who effectively is a serial rapist, yet a disrespectful monster. One of the darkest things I've written, the story switches gears half-way through to being about the victims being victimized, to at the end getting justice against the person. The sequel delves into the repercussions of this.

Note: In 2016 I had a person complain because I'd not updated any of my Toshiro/Karin stories. They only listed the stories which were clearly marked over on ffnet as containing the pairing, but also the fluffy ones yet also flat out said those were the only stories of mine worth reading. By this I mean they implied writing stories for other fandoms as well. This led to me struggling to write for the Bleach fandom.

ST is one of the ones which contains the pairing despite not being clearly marked, but happened to also delve into some really dark subject matter - subject matter which is super important to me which in turn explains why I'm struggling so much as the person pretty much gave the finger to a LOT of things which were important to me in regards to my writing, one of which included tackling this subject.

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