X-A/CS - Naruto/Voltron (VLD) The Awaited (IP)

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Fandom: Naruto, Voltron: Legendary Defender
Genre: action, sci-fi, family, friendship, adventure, angst
Ships: Keith/Allura, Sasuke/Sakura, Gaara/Kurosuchi
Headcanons: Shiro is Keith's older brother, Ryo is related as either the cousin or the twin brother of Keith. The aliens transported humans and created Naruto's world.

When the paladin's are thrown out of the destabilized wormhole, they find themselves on an a planet populated by one of the experiments put together by an alien race called the Otsutsuki, where they transplanted humans from Earth, developing the tailed beasts as a measure against the Galra due to the disappearance of Voltron. Each paladin finds themselves with a different person on the world, while Allura finds herself dealing with the alien race. Keith in particular finds himself dealing with the mental manipulations of one Sasuke Uchiha.

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