A - Bleach - Finding Friendship II: Earth Shattering (IP)

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Fandom: Bleach
Genre: Adventure, Family, Friendship, Hurt-Comfort, Slice of Life, Supernatural, Teen Fiction
Ships: Gin/Ran, hints of Ichigo/Rukia and eventual Toshiro/Karin
Headcanons: Gin and Ran are the biological parents of Toshiro, but his twin is Bambietta. He is also a Quincy/Shinigami hybrid like Ichigo is. Some of the fullbringer are also related to the Quincy. This is also a Shinigami Kids story.

After taking on the role of president for the Shinigami Kids society Toshiro finds himself planning the next activity, yet hoping that it wouldn't fail. Many of the older Shinigami are wanting to help him make sure as is Ichigo, yet this doesn't mean things will turn out okay.

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