C - Marvel: X-Men Evo - Rebel Red

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Fandom: Marvel: X-Men Evolution
Genre: Angst, ChickLit, Crime/Detective, Family, Hurt-Comfort, Psychological, Superhero, Suspense
Ships: Cyclops/Jean
Headcanon: Jean and Lance are siblings.

I wrote this for the Disney Rebel challenge which was a combined contest between the Fanfic and Rebel Town profiles. Now, you may be thinking - but Marvel isn't Disney - well, they included anything Disney as an option.

I got to thinking, since the prompt was to take a character and make them a rebel, who was the most non-rebel character in the series? Well, I concluded Jean Grey. More specifically, I realized I could play around with a headcanon I'd had in my head for years, yet this headcanon would help me pull off the rebel I was bringing out in Jean.

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