CS - Voltron (LD) - Voltron Fan Works (IP)

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Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Genre: Parody/Satire
Ships: Keith/Allura (Whether or not it is the end game for VLD, it was the end game for the original, but there are other ships that get poked fun of and mostly it's context.
Headcanons: I'm playing around with the biologically related despite it not being canon. One of the big reasons is because I'm having Ryo as Keith's twin and one of his fans - since Ryo popfics - is a conspericy theorist.

I really need to get back to writing this and Bleach: Fan Works as these allow me to relieve stress. I've pretty much created my own bad fic writers and the series covers their progression through fandom. For this, instead of being seasonally serialized, one needs to have the suspended disbelief that episodes are released weekly.

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