CS - Voltron (LD) - Cave of Fate

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Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Genre: Adventure, Angst, Slice of Life, Suspense
Ships: Keith's parents
Headcanons: While there are no headcanon involved, I did leave Keith's mother unseen by the viewer due to a headcanon I have. I think Kolivan is wrong about Keith being Galra, and that his mother is actually Altean, but this may end up not so.

For some reason I like writing origin stories for Keith's parents. This particular one was written for JustWriteItBits for February 2018. In this one the theme was a mysterious cave, so I decided to go with the shrine I imagine being near Keith's father's home as a child. Keith's father isn't happy with the fate decided for him by the village and decides to change it.

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