C - DC - BB/TT/YJ/BM - Beyond the Night: Beyond the Cave (IP)

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Fandom: DC: Batman, Batman Beyond, Young Justice, Teen Titans
Genre: Angst, College, Family, Friendship, Hurt-Comfort, New Adult, Psycholigical, Slice of Life, Superhero, Suspense
Ships: Robin/Starfire (breaks up), eventual pairing of Nightwing with Huntress
Headcanon: Terry's alternate origin and the bat fam of course.

Dick attempts to cope with growing up, yet dealing constantly with the trauma of having lost Jason the way he did. He wants Bruce to understand he's grown up, but by this he doesn't mean Nightwing, but Dick. The fact Kory just broke up with him and he pretty much has a mental meltdown over said break up likely doesn't help, yet he pushes to dorm at college and live a normal life.

Of course, Damien's got his own opinion about Dick moving out. After all, Dick is the only one who accepts him and is willing to deal with him. He doesn't like Dick's new friend Warren. Of course, the girls think he's the one who broke up with Kory or that he cheated on her, which doesn't help things in regards to the team. He can't blame Kory, as she meant well and made a valid point about them growing apart.

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