X-C/CS - DC: Young Justice/VLD - Sun and Star (One Shots and Cuts)

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Fandom: DC: Young Justice/Voltron Legendary Defender
Genre: Adventure, Angst, Family, Friendship, Hurt-Comfort, Super Hero
Ships: None at this point.
Headcanons: Keith and Shiro are blood related siblings, Keith is autistic, Keith is part Altean (not Galra), Keith and Ryo are twins.

These are chapters from my Sun and Star series.

1. The first chapter is a cut from my original chapter nine  as I needed to change things.
2. The second chapter is a Valentine's Day fic where Keith makes chocolate for his older brother, but has to deal with Raven, Artemis and Starfire in the process.
3. The third chapter is Keith dragging Jason into his chocolate making escapades for another Valetine's day because he likes showing appreciation to Shiro, and figures Jason would like to do the same with Dick.

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