A - Bleach - Glitch

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Fandom: Bleach
Genre: Angst, Family, Hurt-Comfort, New Adult, Occupational Fiction, Slice of Life, Supernatural, Suspense
Ships: Toshiro/Karin, Ichigo/Rukia, Kaien/Ikumi
Headcanon: Isshin is the oldest of the Shiba feelings. Ichigo becomes the captain of the thirteenth. Ikumi is Miyako's reincarnation. Gin+Ran=Toshiro, Bambietta is his twin, but he's also a Quincy/Shinigami hybrid.

The story takes place after the 1000 Year War, but is AU to the events which occurred after a certain point. The surmise is that there is a glitch in the cycle of rebirth caused based on how a person died. Kaien is one of these people and is now living in the world of the living, but what he left behind eventually comes back in the form of a small white haired Shinigami who is in the same situation.

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