Six Months

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~Mike's POV~

"I'm sorry El," I said.

"Sorry? What for?" she asked.

"I told you I'd be okay. I promised."

"It's ok Mike. You'll be okay. I promise you will," she said, grabbing my hand, interlacing our fingers.


I lied on my bed, wide awake. I just couldn't go back to sleep, not after remembering that memory.

Brenner had locked me in a room somewhere in the laboratory. It was cold and empty looking. There was nothing but a cot for me to lie down on, and a side table with a few books. He was holding me, prisoner. I had been here for about six months. I didn't understand why he was doing this. It wasn't like I was of any use to him. Why keep me here? It seemed pointless.

I heard the door creak open.

In walked Seven.

I sat up in bed. I would have charged for the door, but they always had one of my wrists chained to the bedpost.

"Please, let me out of here!" I yelled, struggling to get free.

"You've asked that time and time again. Like always, the answer is no," Seven told me, smiling in a way that seemed as if she was mocking me.

"Why do you even need me here? I'm useless to you anyways. Please, just let me go!" I asked, still struggling to free myself.

"Oh, Brenner has a use for you," Seven said, coming to unchain me.

"After six months, he finally has a use?" 

The two of us began walking. She handcuffed me so that I couldn't break free.

"As you know, Hawkins Laboratory is officially shut down. The only remaining people are Dr. Brenner, about six workers, Eight, and I. Brenner is determined to find out what happened to the other numbers, but he needs more help," Seven explained.

We turned down another hallway and continued walking.

"That's where you come in. You must help Brenner-"

"And what if I refuse?"

"Then there will be consequences."

I just looked down at my chained hands as Seven continued to speak. I can't believe that once, I had been free. Now I knew how terrible it must have been for El. She was trapped here for about twelve years of her life. I couldn't even stand being here six months. It's terrible, thinking that no one cares about you anymore. No one thinks that you're alive. I have been telling myself for the past six months that Eleven wouldn't give up on me, that she would come back for me, but now, most of that hope has diminished. Maybe she really does believe I'm gone, or a lost cause.

We started toward a door.

"Brenner will be training you to be one of his agents," Seven finished, giving me a shove into a room and slamming the door behind me.

"Hey! I'm not working for Brenner! I would never!" I yelled, pounding on the door.

"Oh, you will trust me. Especially, if you ever want to see Eleven again," Dr. Brenner said, stepping out of the shadows.

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