Bridges (Pt 2)

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El's POV:
I ran and ran until I was finally too weak to carry him. I collapsed.

I turned to see Mike rush to me and bend down.
"El, are you okay?"
"I'm just exhausted. Where are the others?"
"I don't know."

I looked up and saw Mike's eyes looked sad and tired.

"Mike, are you okay?"
"I'm tired too."

He sat down next to me. I watched him glitch a little but he didn't have a reaction. His eyes were glossed over.

"I'm just tired."
"Are you in pain?"

He didn't answer.

"Michael Wheeler-"
"I said I'm fine!" He snapped.
I stepped back, startled and a bit hurt by his reaction.
"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have-"
"Its fine." I said, sighing and standing up. He did the same.
"I can't believe Heather sacrificed herself like that for us..."
"I can't either. I guess she really did care..." My voice trailed.

We both just stood there in the forest for a moment in complete silence. There wasn't another noise throughout the forest.

"How did we end up here?" Mike's voice broke the silence.

I could feel my voice wanting to break. I tried to keep it inside, but I couldn't. I could already feel the tears streaming down my face.
"I just wish that...that-"

I felt arms wrap around me, pulling me into an embrace. Before I could realize what was happening, I just leaned into the person and cried into their shoulder. They comforted me.

I looked up, wiping my tears on my sleeves. It was Mike. He wasn't glitching anymore.

But how?

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