Red Lights

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El's POV:
Mike grabbed me by the hand and pulled me out of the room and into the hallway. He had told me that this was a trap and that we had to get out of here, but I still wasn't fully recovered after what had just happened. What had just happened?

Suddenly, an ear-piercing alarm went off and began to ring throughout the halls. Red lights began to flash on the walls. The echo of a stampede of footsteps became audible.

"What's going on?" I stuttered. I clenched onto Mike's arm.
"This is a trap. If Seven's gone then-" Mike paused and turned to look at me. He looked worried, yet his face softened for a moment, and he managed to give me a small smile. "You'll be okay. We'll be okay." I know he was trying to reassure me, but it almost seemed as if he was trying to reassure himself.
"Do you think the bad men have Ten and Two as well?" I asked Mike.
He paused for a moment, thinking.
"I'm not sure in all honesty."

I turned and watched as two agents broke through the doors at the end of the hall, guns ready and aimed at us.
"BAD MEN!" I screamed as guns fired. It took Mike by surprise, but I saw it coming. I leaped and pushed him out of the way. We tumbled to the ground into a corridor next to the hall we had been standing in. I landed right on top of him, our faces only a few inches apart.

"Th-Thanks, El," Mike said, flustered.
"You're welcome," I  said, rolling onto the floor, exhausted from this crazy day.
We both lay there on the ground, side by side.
"We need to get moving. The bad men are going to come looking for us," Mike said, sitting up.

The footsteps were once again audible. Mike sprung up to his feet and took me by the hand. We both began running as fast as our tired legs could carry us.

"IN THERE!" We heard a voice call. We could listen to doors bust open somewhere in the distance. The bad men were definitely on the right track.

We both ran into a room a slammed the door behind us. We stopped, catching our breath.

"Woah, what is this place?" Mike asked, looking around the large room.
"It's the kitchen," I said. I vaguely remembered eating my meals here when I was in solitude.

A door swung open on the other side of the room, and a different agent ran in, gun cocked. Mike and I ran into the kitchen, ducking for cover as gunshots were fired. We sat behind the counter, hiding.

"Okay, Mike. I need you to run out the door the agent came through. I will stop him from hurting you with my powers, and then I will catch up with you."
"Alright," Mike reluctantly agreed. He ran out, and the agent turned to shoot at him, but I stopped him. The gun twisted and became deformed as Mike ran out the door.
The agent dropped the gun and charged at me. I grabbed a plate from the counter and threw it at the oncoming threat. The agent got hit in the head and passed out of the spot.

I ran through the doorway after Mike. I was so anxious and nervous that I didn't even realize that I had run into something. I stumbled backward, looking up at Mike.

"Sorry," I mumbled.
"It's fine," he said, not fully paying attention to me.
"So, what now?" I asked.
"Follow me. I know exactly where to go," Mike said, as he started walking down the new hallway. I shrugged and followed him into a room. He shut the door behind us.
"This doesn't seem like an exit."
"Because it's not," Mike said.
I looked at him, confused.
In horror, I watched as Michael Wheeler morphed into 002. I had fallen into the trap.

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