Hands Tied

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The story continues! 

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Mike's POV:

I walked through the cold snow. It was only a week before Christmas, and all I wanted was to go home. This had been a crazy year. I was captured, trained, and forced to fight against my friends. My friends had forgotten me, and it hurt to think that they had probably altogether given up looking for me. Now, here I was, walking with my hands tied behind my back, and a handkerchief tied around my mouth to keep me from speaking. At least I had my eyes. With my eyes, I could admire the beautiful snow that seemed all too familiar.

Maybe because it was familiar.

I paused to get a better view of surroundings, only to be shoved by Agent Garcia, or should I say. 002.

"Keep moving, boy!" She angrily said in a loud whisper.

I stumbled in the snow, tired of this endless goose chase. i just wanted to be home in my old bed again, that is, if I still had a room in my house. Maybe that was gone too, because my family probably thought I was dead along with everyone else.

It just wasn't fair, but then again, who was I to complain. Life wasn't fair. I shouldn't be complaining, after everything El went through. She was at the lab for twelve years, and I couldn't even handle being held captive for barely a year. I was pathetic.

I stood there, lost in thought for a moment.

"I said move!" Agent Garcia yelled, accidentally a little too loud.

"Do you hear that?" A faint voice said from the distance.

"Hey! Who are you! What are you doing out here?!" A man shouted from the distance.

He stood on the porch of a small cabin next to a girl.


Always By Your Side *Mileven* // SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now