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Mike's POV

After a while of walking, we reached A storm cellar in the middle of the forest. It was very well hidden.

"Well, this is it."

"Ok, I am not going down there."

"It's either this storm cellar or back to the lab."

"Ugh fine," I said, following 002 down the stairs.

Inside were several sleeping bags on the floor along with a few pillows. There were some folding chairs, an old carpet, a small table, a desk, and a computer. The room was very messy, and looked like more than one person was living here.

"Laura, it's okay, you can come out."

A girl walked out of the closet in the corner of the room. She looked about a year or two older than me. She had long, light brown hair, bright blue eyes, and freckles.

"H-hi," Laura stuttered.

"She's a bit shy," 002 laughed.

"I am not, Mari!" Laura yelled.

"Ok, ok, only when she wants to be."

I was confused.

"Wait, what are you doing here? I assume you must have escaped the lab, because of your numbers, but, how can 002 be both an experiment and an agent?"

"Well, my name is Marianna Garcia, and I work for Doctor Owens, not Brenner. But, Owens has no idea I'm a failed experiment," She paused, glancing down at the floor for a second. "And this is Laura, or 010," Mari said, pointing to the girl around my age.

"And, who is this boy you brought?"

"Don't you remember? Dr. Brenner kidnapped him. He is our sister's friend."

"Oh! You're Jane's friend? Finally, someone around my age!"

Mari rolled her eyes at Laura.

"Hey, its boring being trapped down here with a sibling who is twenty years older than you," Laura paused, glancing down. "I wish I could got to school like you. I wish I had friends. It's terribly boring here. And I'm constantly on the run," Laura sighed.

"Oh, wow, I'm sorry. I wish I could help," I said.

"I'm going to go talk to Owens. Make sure he doesn't leave. We need him for important matters," Marianna said before leaving.

Great. I wasn't going home anytime soon.

"Could you tell me about it?"


"About school!"

"Oh. It's fun, I guess."

Laura stared at me, her eyes bright with curiosity.

"Tell me about your friends!"

"Well, El, Dustin, Lucas, Will and Max are my best friends."

"What do you guys do for fun?"

"Um, we go to the arcade or ride our bikes. Well, Max rides her skateboard, and El would sit on the back of my bike. We have been through a lot together."

Laura's facial expression changed to one I couldn't really read. Then, her expression changed to a softer one.

"Come on."

I followed her up the staircase out of the storm cellar, into the fresh air.

"I thought we weren't allowed out?"

"Shh, follow me."

We climbed up into one of the trees together.

"Hey, I never got your name."

"Mike. Michael Wheeler."

"Well, Michael Wheeler, I think I'm in love with you."

Always By Your Side *Mileven* // SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now